Daily Inspiration

Daily Inspiration

Have a Little Compassion, Will You?

I’m tough on myself. Really tough. I’m working on clearing up my stinkin’ thinkin’ around being worthy and deserving. I’ve come to realize that...

Daily Inspiration

Why Being Lost Is So Good for You

As featured at thriveglobal.com: https://thriveglobal.com/stories/why-being-lost-is-so-good-for-you/   I was having drinks with a colleague of mine who always makes me think and get creative. I...

Daily Inspiration

Minimizing The Ego When We Choose Love

As featured at thriveglobal.com: https://thriveglobal.com/stories/minimizing-the-ego-when-we-choose-love   How often have people upset you and made you feel disrespected? I know when that happens to me,...

Daily Inspiration

How to Lead Well and Inspire Others in 2020

I’ve discovered there is only one-way leadership really works. If I inspire others to lead their best lives, then my purpose is done. So...

Daily Inspiration

Experience Is Not About a Place or Event, but About Mindset

I’ve had lots of “good” experiences in my life. Unfortunately, I’ve had “bad” experiences, too. As I look back, one of the worst experiences...

Daily Inspiration

Marianne Williamson 2020: “Harnessing Love Inside Us for Political Purpose”

It’s official. Marianne Williamson is running for President. I find it very exciting because it is different. Sure, she ran for Congress several years...

Daily Inspiration

What to Do When Motivation Stunts Your Productivity and Brand

I often teach about my research regarding the correlation between our stress and self-confidence. Here’s a great quandary from a client. Specifically, What do...

Daily Inspiration

Daily Inspiration: Mahatma Gandhi

I love this quote by Gandhi. I think it really speaks to the essence of humans as choosing in each moment to think and...

Daily Inspiration

Daily Inspiration: Making Money

Hi my friends! Here’s a little dose of daily inspiration to kick off this 4 day week.  Enjoy and pass it on. “There is...

Daily Inspiration


I fly regularly.  Most of my experiences on airplanes with other passengers are non-eventful.  However, most recently I was on a Southwest Airlines flight. ...