

Your Work Is Not Good Enough Anymore

One thing professionals have in common is their deep focus on their substantive knowledge and resulting work product. Unfortunately, your substantive knowledge and work...


Emotional Resonance: The Key to Not Feeling Lonely and Succeeding

Do you remember that song by the Beach Boys, “Good Vibrations”? Turns out the Beach Boys were much more in tune to the reality...


Your Secret Tool to Maximize Your Law Firm’s Potential.

Happier attorneys with better health are more confident, less likely to miss work or leave their job. Confident lawyers bring in better clients who...


An Unexpected Cause of Gender Inequality in the Law

We have a real problem on our hands in the legal world and it’s not just about women lawyers leaving the practice of law....


Your Body Knows You Better Than You Think

You know that awful feeling when you start to realize you are coming down with something? The tickle in your throat, the low grade...


A New Way of Managing Your Time

Time seems like the villain we are all up against. We “go, go, go” and then collapse when we are worn out. Should it...


It’s a Sign…Choking on Ice and Other Painful Signs

Have you ever accidentally swallowed a giant chunk of ice? I have. The realization that you have to wait for relief until the ice...


Speak Up and Stop Talking So Much: Using the Power of Your Voice at the Right Time

My husband and I got in a heated discussion the other day.  We are looking for new accountants.  To us, it’s a big deal:...


Quiet Answers

Stuff happens in your life. Stuff happens in my life. That’s just a part of being human. The question is what do you choose...


How To Do Community Service Well: Guide to Promote Your Corporate Brand, Grow Culture, Do Good In Your Community

Fifteen years ago, when I was an employee in corporate America, we didn’t understand what community service really meant- for our company or for...