Business Growth Strategies: How to Maintain Balance When Business Is Booming
When business is bad, business is bad. However, when business is good then it seems we, as business owners and those in leadership, have...
Tailoring Your Natural Talents for Success as a Music Artist
For some reason, music artists often don’t think this concept applies to them because they say their natural talent is music. I agree in...
Katy’s Journey Journal – Emotions and Control
In these blog posts, I like to document, share and unravel my own personal journey working with the very same material I have you...
Get Your Staff to Take You Seriously — How Great Leaders Inspire Action
A client of mine quit her job the other week. She loved the type of work she did and their client base. But the...
3 Employee Engagement Ideas That Drive Growth and Company Culture
Here are 3 employee engagement ideas that will drive growth and culture at your business and company.
Katy’s Journey Journal – Adaptability Is the Name of the Game
I had the honor of being the keynote speaker last week at a conference for investment advisers held in Mexico City.