Katy Goshtasbi, Author at Puris Consulting - Page 2 of 14
Diversity & Inclusion: Tips for Placing the Right People in the Right Positions

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: February 3, 2023

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Diversity & Inclusion: Tips for Placing the Right People in the Right Positions

When I was chair of the American Bar Association (ABA) Law Practice Division I was responsible for appointing chairs to all our committees.  For our Diversity committee, I appointed a brilliant and caring and deeply knowledgeable person.  It just so happened that this person was also a sixty year old, white male.  He came to me asking why I had appointed him instead of a person that represented diversity better.

My answer:  not only did he understand diversity BUT because he was a sixty year old white male, he could connect with those who perhaps needed to allow and accept more diversity within their respective communities and corporate settings.  His eyes got real big and he really understood:  Like attracts like.

Hiring and recruiting is a tricky situation for employers and employees alike.  This is especially true when looking to fill positions such as diversity.

A position like diversity often draws candidates from diverse backgrounds.  Most employers will opt to place someone of color, women, etc- who represent diversity.  That’s fine and works very well.

Stop and ask yourself the real question: what are you hiring for?  Said another way: what are your company’s end goals in hiring for a particular position like diversity-focused ones?  Who will fill those positions best from multiple perspectives?

Much love,


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A Different Perspective On Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging In the Workplace

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: January 26, 2023

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A Different Perspective On Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging In the Workplace, image of multiple colors of chalk.

There is a very common perspective employers have on diversity and inclusion. While there may be deviations, the general thought is that employers want to do what is best for their employees and for their public image. 

This often includes hiring a person, or a team, devoted to diversity in the workplace. In addition, the employer may also provide some sort of “training and development” on the topic.

Here’s a new perspective for you to consider as you enhance and grow your diversity footprint to increase profits, culture and your organization’s brand:

1. Diversity isn’t an “initiative”. 

We wouldn’t say that fair pay or safety in the workplace is an initiative. So, why is the notion of diversity treated differently and often called an initiative? Diversity doesn’t have a beginning or end. It is ongoing life maintenance.

Diversity is a way of being in any setting, including the workplace. I’ve discovered from working in these settings with clients, that those who really embrace and own this mentality provide exemplary workplaces where employees thrive and profits soar. 

Stop and consider how your workplace views diversity. Is it something that has to be done? Or is it something that is seen as a true means of transforming your workplace, people and culture for the highest good?

2. The easiest and most graceful way to increase diversity, equity and inclusion, thereby reducing implicit bias, is through branding. 

Over fourteen years of consulting has proven this method as a winner. 

As humans, we don’t often embrace others as being different because we fear what is different and gravitate towards sameness. Sameness feels comfortable and safe. If you look and act like me, then I can predict your actions and behaviors. I don’t have to worry about you rocking my boat and making me uncomfortable. I don’t have to worry about saying or doing something that may be counter to your culture and thus, offensive. My job is safe. My world is safe.

The biggest hindrance to employees seeing others’ diversity as a benefit is the employee’s lack of ability to see their own uniqueness. In brand development, the goal is to gently have each employee unearth, understand and apply their own uniqueness. Once they do, a miraculous shift happens: employees look around and, instead of being afraid of others’ differences, begin to understand and welcome these differences. Why? It’s natural to allow others to be who they are and see value in their differences if you yourself feel special and know you also have unique value. 

Stop and consider, how truly unique is: a) your corporate brand and b) your employees’ understanding of their own brands? What measures do you have in place to account for shifts in diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging?

3. There isn’t just one road to creating a diverse and transformative workplace.

The process isn’t cookie cutter. If someone tries to tell you otherwise, seek advice elsewhere. Why? By the very nature of this topic, the process has to be bespoke and tailored to: a) the current employee pool b) the current enterprise goals and c) the forecast of the industry in which you operate. 

For instance:

Law firms: The diversity plan in law firms is very different from that of other types of businesses. The law by nature is based on precedence, allowing lawyers to rely on what’s always been done in the past. The legal environment is also based mostly on the billable hour creating a war against time that generates unenviable amounts of stress. Stress leads to employees saying and doing things that are often against the grain in creating a diverse workforce. This means that a unique methodology and combination of training, development and hiring practices need to be crafted for each and every law firm based on practice areas, number of employees, regionality and staffing/support.

Accounting firms: The seasonality of the accounting industry often means that there are gaps in service around the diversity and inclusion mission. There are often months, even consecutive quarters, where the focus is on meeting filing deadlines. Resources must be consistently available to break employees out of the focused rut that deadlines create. This break will not harm efficiency. To the contrary, the break will increase efficiency by allowing employees to refocus intentionally elsewhere, become energized and return to their substantive work.

Healthcare: The number of external partnerships in the healthcare space often means that external forces may be applied to your company’s internal diversity plans. Partner companies do not always share the same vision and mission when it comes to diversity and inclusion. Knowing this fact and accounting for it internally is key in ensuring that your company stays focused on your own unique mission and plan.

Technology companies: The quest in technology companies is often linked to globalization and penetration of market shares. Data becomes critical. Data and market shares don’t require a focus on diversity….or do they? In my experience, data access and market share penetration cannot happen without employees’ insights and creativity. Creativity only happens when there are diverse voices and experiences and opinions around your company table. 

In summary, employees create and produce within organizations. If employees are all the same, then that organization cannot flourish because there is redundancy of thought and likely, lack of critical and creative thinking. Based on your industry type, viewing diversity from a perspective of a bespoke and tailored process and implementation will not only produce a healthy employee pool, reduce your legal risk and boost culture, but allow for your organization to be a leader in creative and innovative products and services.

Need help with this process? Email me to discuss.

Much love,


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Need collaboration and support with your brand, dealing with changes/transitions to grow your brand? Check out my services page.

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If you read down this far, drop a comment below about whether my post above was helpful or not. I will send you a free gift that I am only giving out to a few people.

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Thriving Through Divorce To Stay Whole

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: November 2, 2022

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Thriving Through Divorce To Stay Whole, image of a torn paper heart

Divorce can mean so many things in your life. I remember when I got divorced, I wondered who I was post-divorce. I also wondered how I would manage the changes that divorce brought, to come out of the process whole and not broken.

To stay healthy through the divorce process and beyond, an ideal strategy is to find and embrace your “whole” self. Doing so allows you to feel empowered, confident, and clear on the next chapter of your life. It also allows you to get through mediation more easily and successfully.

The trouble is that we have forgotten what our whole selves entail anymore. Some would argue, we never really knew our whole selves to start.


Maintaining Wholeness Through Divorce

We are humans first and foremost. We are also spouses, daughters, sons, caretakers, soccer coaches, taxi drivers for our kids and the list goes on. Our best self has many places to hide, including behind our roles as “spouse” or “parent”.

Once we understand our whole self, we can move through our days with confidence knowing that there is much more to us than just our roles. We give ourselves permission to shine our full light brightly into our communities and families and careers because we see the full value of what it means to bring our whole self to our world every day.

Our whole self is comprised of our physical body, energetic body, and mental body.

When our physical bodies are poor representatives for the potential that we have inside of us, we struggle to feel confident and produce results easily and gracefully. Your physical body responds and behaves based on what kind of nourishment you take into it. Consuming foods that energize your physical body is key, as is exercise and feeling positive emotions about the way your visual self shows up to represent the real you inside.


Channeling a Positive Mindset

Your energetic body is tied directly to how much positive energy you have. A simple method for checking your energetic body throughout the day is to gauge what type of words you are using. If your words and thoughts are positive, then your energy will be positive. Your energetic body is incredibly important because people do not choose to engage with us or hire us, or even notice us, unless we energetically move them somehow closer to happiness. Said another way, no one buys your intellect at first. They only initially “buy” your ability to elevate their mood somehow. If you do not elevate their mood, they will move on to engage (and hire) someone else. This applies to work, dating life and familial relationships.

Your mental body is all about how you think and process your emotions. Emotions attach to thoughts. As such, staying self-aware of your thoughts will allow you to monitor what kinds of emotions (fear, anger, sadness, joy) you are allowing to attach to your thoughts. How well you can navigate this process is reliant on what kinds of beliefs and ideas you hold. These beliefs and ideas start in our childhood and oftentimes form the basis for our personality.

Anytime one of these bodies is more prominent than others in your life, then you are likely out of balance and not bringing your whole self to your life and practice. It’s as if you are forgetting about a part of yourself, leaving you feeling a sense of lack. You may not even consciously know this is happening. The results often show up as feeling out of control, mismanaging time and deadlines, confusion, anger and/or frustration at others, to name a few.


Achieving Your Highest Self

Learning to keep your physical, energetic, and mental bodies in harmony will allow you to bring your whole self to your personal life and career/business. Thus, you can serve your community and family in a positive way that increases efficiency, effectiveness, and wellness.

Much love,


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Overconfident + Incompetent = Successful?

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: August 14, 2022

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Overconfident + Incompetent = Successful?, image of a person standing on the edge of a cliff

Twenty years ago at my last job as a lawyer, I started to notice a scary trend: there were many (too many) people who kept getting promoted when we all knew they were not the brightest nor best suited for the new job they were promoted into.

What gave?

Turns out, these people all shared 2 traits in common linked to their status and prestige:

They were incompetent AND overly confident.

Apparently, overconfidence allows you to attain higher social status because you’re motivated by higher and higher status. This motivation allows you to bypass your legitimate fears around being competent. People in organizations buy your overconfidence without even bothering to size up your competence. And that’s why so often at the top of the corporate/business food chain we run into those who can’t do the work, but can pretend a good game. Frustrating, to say the least, for those who are competent but perhaps not motivated by status and shy at speaking up in order to self-promote.

If you follow my research and content, I am always working on guiding you to be authentically confident based on who YOU are.

I have found that gender plays a huge role in this distinction. Men tend to be more left-brained and analytical when they lead, following their head and the numbers. Women tend to be more right-brained, creative and visionary when they lead, following their intuition and inner sense about people and processes.

As with everything in life, there should be a harmony between being confident and competent. It doesn’t serve the highest good for anyone to be so overly confident and chasing after status that they ignore the competence necessary for a job. On the other hand, it’s of no use to society to be very competent but so afraid to confidently show up, speak up and sell yourself.

So how can you become more confident and gain higher status, prominence and influence? Stop and consider:

• How do you define yourself in your role versus your identity?

• How often do you stop and evaluate your skill set compared to what others see of you?

• Do people get a real good sense of your competence level even if they haven’t been able to sample ALL your work directly? If not, what’s one small step you can take to ensure you’re more visible and seen? Only in this way, will your competence have a chance of being noticed.

• Make a list of what you love about your current career/job. How much of it is about substantive work that requires your competence? How much of your list is about the status and social access your job brings you? Does your list/results make you feel good deep down inside OR do you sometimes feel like you are: a) shortchanging yourself OR b) playing a game of chicken with others where they may discover the “real” you?

Sitting down and getting quiet to answer these questions may seem very uncomfortable. If so, you are on the right track. This short term discomfort will pay off great dividends in the long run. I promise.

Up for coaching? I’m right here for you whenever you are ready to reach out. Or not. You are free and strong and can decide for yourself.

If you do want to connect, I offer only three, free, 1:1 live Degree of Influence brand assessment meetings per month. Sign up here. But only do so if you are serious. I take these meetings seriously and so should you.

If this content doesn’t resonate with you, please consider sharing it with others who may benefit.

Much love,


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Need collaboration and support with your brand, dealing with changes/transitions to grow your brand? Check out my services page.

Download my Top 5 Action Steps To Easily and Gracefully Master Change

If you read down this far, drop a comment below about whether my post above was helpful or not. I will send you a free gift that I am only giving out to a few people.

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Your Body Knows You Better Than You Think

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: August 1, 2022

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Your Body Knows You Better Than You Think

You know that awful feeling when you start to realize you are coming down with something? The tickle in your throat, the low grade fever, maybe an achy body.

We’ve all had these feelings and then some- especially with Covid.

The question is how are you taking in this information from your body? Are you desperately fighting being sick or stopping to listen to your body?

Before breast cancer, I was mostly in the former category: I really, really, really didn’t want to be sick or deal with anything negative in (or on) my body! A rash or hives?! Yikes! Get rid of it. Sore throat? Ignore it!

I was really good at ignoring my body. Until I got breast cancer….

It was then that I really decided to slow down and pay attention to what my body was conveying to me with breast cancer.

It’s not just about ignoring your body. It’s about ignoring the signs your body is trying to send you.

Conventional western medicine does not address this idea. However, eastern medicine is all about the fact that your body is a messenger showing you what is out of balance and needs your loving attention.

That’s what I learned in my breast cancer journey: I learned to finally slow down, have more fun, be more lively and listen to my body. I did so by combining eastern and western medicine.

I don’t want you to have to learn this lesson the hard way…

What’s in this for you? Stop and consider:

• How do you respond to your aches, pains and symptoms? Do you resist or ignore your body and just push through?

• Next time you have an ache, a rash, acid reflux or a pain, consider stopping and getting really present to the symptom. Close your eyes, send that part of your body love and attention. Next, check in to see what your gut/intuition tells you about the pain. This doesn’t mean not going to the doctor, but it does mean staying aware and present to your body’s wisdom and feeling in control of your health and well-being. Great brands take care of themselves in service to others in their lives.

Up for coaching? I’m right here for you whenever you are ready to reach out. Or not. You are free and strong and can decide for yourself.

If you do want to connect, schedule a free Deep Dive Assessment. Sign up here.

If this content doesn’t resonate with you, please consider sharing it with others who may benefit.

Much love,


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Need collaboration and support with your brand, dealing with changes/transitions to grow your brand? Check out my services page.

Download my Top 5 Action Steps To Easily and Gracefully Master Change

If you read down this far, drop a comment below about whether my post above was helpful or not. I will send you a free gift that I am only giving out to a few people.

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A New Way of Managing Your Time

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: July 11, 2022

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Time seems like the villain we are all up against. We “go, go, go” and then collapse when we are worn out. Should it really be this way?

I remember vividly after my mastectomy I had much less of a perception of “time” in my world. It’s as if I was floating and flowing in the world. Odd, right? You would think I would have been in tremendous pain and grief over losing a body part….but just the opposite.


I was gently waking up to who I truly am- not a lawyer, wife, daughter, sister, nurturer, coach, etc. But a spiritual being and so much more.

What does that have to do with time? I discovered a big secret…

Because I was so keenly aware of my body, I kept focusing on what I was supposed to learn from this event. This deep focus, took me out of the space of time and put my attention on the bigger picture of my life.

Ever since then, if I want to avoid the anxiety and pressure that comes with keeping up with the demands of my world and managing time–I just shift my focus to who I really am and my greater purpose in this world. I choose to see the bigger picture.

What does this mean for you? Perhaps consider:

• How plagued are you with time and time management?
• Is the method you are using to manage your time (and stress) working for you? Are you experiencing inner peace, joy and naturally attracting the right people and opportunities to yourself?
• What’s one small shift you can create in your life that would allow you to more regularly and effectively stop and see the bigger picture for yourself?

Up for coaching? I’m right here for you whenever you are ready to reach out. Or not. You are free and strong and can decide for yourself.

If you do want to connect, I offer only three, free, 1:1 live Degree of Influence brand assessment meetings per month. Sign up here. But only do so if you are serious. I take these meetings seriously and so should you.

If this content doesn’t resonate with you, please consider sharing it with others who may benefit.

Much love,

PS: Women Lawyers: join me for a free, online event to clarify your ability to manage your time. Go here to learn more and register. One time event only.

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Need collaboration and support with your brand, dealing with changes/transitions to grow your brand? Check out my services page.

Download my Top 5 Action Steps To Easily and Gracefully Master Change

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It’s a Sign…Choking on Ice and Other Painful Signs

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: July 6, 2022

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It’s a Sign…Choking on Ice and Other Painful Signs

Have you ever accidentally swallowed a giant chunk of ice? I have. The realization that you have to wait for relief until the ice melts is painful. So is the actual pain of the ice stabbing my throat and then the “brain freeze”. If you’ve never experienced it, check it out. Just kidding!

Last week I had a client email me from overseas. He congratulated me on gracefully navigating my breast cancer journey. He said, “[i]t’s a sign of the deep inner work you had already been doing before the diagnosis.”

His kind statement was a sign for me. It made me really stop and take it all in. I have been doing deep inner work for a. very. long. time.

Doing the deep inner work is fruitful. It allows me to access those unconscious trauma points (yes, you have them, too- don’t pretend I’m not talking to you) that would otherwise keep me stuck, stale and unhappy. No one needs a stuck, stale and unhappy brand. Especially not you.

Doing the deep inner work got me through breast cancer…and any other trauma in my life.

For instance, just yesterday I was working on my issues around money and any pain I still have around the concept of money. I unearthed a treasure trove when I realized in my meditation that when I was a young child I overheard my parents talking about not having a particular “thing” that I needed. I heard that statement and made it about me- all these years later.

How is that possible? Really easy. My young mind made it happen to keep me safe. But guess what? “We don’t have X item” does NOT equal “Katy is not worthy”! It may be obvious to you, but it wasn’t obvious to me…until I did the deep inner work on myself.

All that to say, doing deep inner work is also painful. In some ways, it’s easier than choking on ice. In many ways, it’s way worse…

These days, whether you want to or not you are likely to have been doing/should be doing deep inner work on something. Take the overruling of Roe vs. Wade by the US Supreme Court. I believe the ruling was a sign for all of us.

Wherever you fall on the spectrum of this issue, it’s a sign for all of us to wake up and see the humanity in others with whom we may not agree. I may not share the viewpoint that a fetus’ life is more valuable than the mother’s life (and what about these children’s lives after they are born? Will those justices who overturned the law be taking in all the newborns and mothers and paying for their upbringing themselves?). However, I can stop and listen to the other side with compassion and intellect, not pure emotion.

Did the justices of the US Supreme Court apply this same logic? Likely not. The conflicting language in the opinion itself shows that neither side really wants to put themselves in the other’s shoes. They bicker like kids…with the lives of others at stake. As a lawyer, it really made me sad. I will never again value the US Supreme Court.

What’s in this for you? Stop and consider any issue you have with someone else.

Maybe it’s a sign for you to do some deep inner work and not have it be as painful as choking on ice:

• Are you willing to stop long enough to hear them out AND to put yourself in their shoes on this issue?
• If not, why?
• How does it make you feel when you don’t choose to allow others the freedom to be who they are? Do you really feel empowered? Or do you just feel more angry and unable to have inner peace?
• How does it make you feel when others don’t allow you the freedom to be who you are?
• What’s one small step you can take next time you find yourself in this situation? I guarantee you that life will keep serving it up to you. Maybe it won’t be the same magnitude as abortion and human rights issues, but still….

Up for coaching? I’m right here for you whenever you are ready to reach out. Or not. You are free and strong and can decide for yourself.

If you do want to connect, I offer only three, free, 1:1 live Degree of Influence brand assessment meetings per month. Sign up here.

If this content doesn’t resonate with you, please consider sharing it with others who may benefit.

Much love,


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Download my Top 5 Action Steps To Easily and Gracefully Master Change

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Speak Up and Stop Talking So Much: Using the Power of Your Voice at the Right Time

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: June 27, 2022

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Speak Up and Stop Talking So Much: Using the Power of Your Voice at the Right Time, image of Katy and Ramin Goshtasbi

My husband and I got in a heated discussion the other day.  We are looking for new accountants.  To us, it’s a big deal: we need both our business returns/tax planning managed, our personal return/tax planning managed PLUS our new non-profit, Josie’s Home, managed.

We met with a potential CPA at a new firm.  Afterwards, my husband was really upset with me.

This made me realize sometimes it’s beneficial to speak up, but also not talk so much. Use the power of your voice at the right time. 

Here’s Why

He said I didn’t let him get a word in during the conversation.  

Really? At first I was shocked.  Then I knew he had a really good point.  


I’m an extrovert.  I have no difficulty talking and holding the floor and leading a conversation.  I’m a public speaker and a trainer!

So it makes sense that when with introverts (my husband and, likely, any CPA/accountant), I’m going to overtalk them- every.darn.time. 

But that wasn’t the real revelation….there was something bothering me after that conversation with my husband….

Why was it then, that I, the self-professed extrovert who could talk and talk, often felt like I wasn’t speaking up for myself?

I then realized, after talking to my husband, that there is a BIG difference between me being able to talk and talk and hold the floor VERSUS knowing the right time to speak up for myself in order to self-express and speak my Truth.

I came to real clarity in that moment!  I realized that there are many opportunities where I can stay silent (NOT say a word) because I have no real reason to speak up for myself.  Then there are the harder moments, when I do need to speak up for myself, BUT I chicken out and just talk and talk and talk to avoid expressing my eternal Truth.

If my breast cancer journey taught me anything, it’s that I MUST state my Truth and live my authentic and best life–for my sake and for the sake of others.

What does this mean for you?  Stop and consider:

• How often do you over-talk just to get out nervous energy or feel good about holding the floor and getting attention?

• How often are you present enough to realize when you need to speak up for yourself and own your truth- preferably in as few words as possible? 

• EXERCISE:  next time you want to speak your truth, stop and search for the least words, and yet the MOST POWERFUL words that are kind, gentle, compassionate for everyone’s sake AND still allow you to feel good about yourself because you are owning who you are and speaking up.

Need support? I’m right here for you whenever you are ready to reach out. Or not. You are free and strong and can decide for yourself.

If you do want my support, I offer only three, free, 1:1 live Degree of Influence brand assessment meetings per month. Sign up here.

If this content doesn’t resonate with you, please consider sharing it with others who may benefit.

Much love,


Like this post? Buy Me A Coffee.☕

Need collaboration and support with your brand, dealing with changes/transitions to grow your brand? Check out my services page.

Download my Top 5 Action Steps To Easily and Gracefully Master Change

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Where’s Your Friend? Secret to Mastering Change

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: June 20, 2022

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Mastering Change, Where’s Your Friend? Secret to Mastering Change, image of a kid playing with toys using his imagination

When I was a kid, I had an imaginary friend (or two or three). We used to play together all the time. I remember when my niece was little, she had an imaginary friend who just so happened to be something like 50 years older than her and hung out with her in her bathroom. Did you have an imaginary friend when you were a child?

Does it feel like it’s no longer ok to have an imaginary friend just because you are an adult? Why is it that the power of our imagination seems to only be reserved for younger days?

Don’t you, as an adult, deserve to use your imagination? Better question: don’t you NEED to use your imagination?!?!

Yes, you do…..we all do…


Your imagination is the doorway to smooth mastery of any changes and transitions that show up in your life. When you use your imagination, you are accessing that amazing part of yourself that is flexible, creative, nimble, fun and exciting. That same part of you is needed to keep you strong and upright when you are having to deal with big(ger) changes, challenges and transitions; switching jobs, practice areas, careers, divorce, death, economic downshifts, etc.

Only then can you access who you are, build a great brand and message your brand to the right audience with ease and grace and authenticity.

What does this mean for you? Stop and consider:

• How often do you deliberately use your imagination? Why or why not?

• How creative do you allow yourself to be?

• Here’s an exercise for you: spend just 5 minutes a day accessing your creative and imaginative self by either a) coloring b) doodling or c) taking an activity you do daily (driving to work, showering, cooking) and deliberately doing it just a little bit differently. How does it feel to do routine tasks differently? Does it freak you out OR are you excited to leave the safety of the mundane and try something new, exercising your imagination and creativity?

Want more?

Check out my Katy G TV episode on this topic.

Download my checklist to manage change and transitions in your life with ease and grace.

If this content does or doesn’t resonate with you, please consider sharing it with others who may benefit.

Much love,


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Are You Dumbfounded and Speechless?

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: May 13, 2022

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Are You Dumbfounded and Speechless, image of a speech bubble made of paper

Mercury is in retrograde if you are reading this between May and June 2022. I know nothing about astrology. All I know is that when Mercury is in retrograde, communication falls apart. As if it was already easy to communicate with ourselves and others! I’ve seen this “problem” in action so much during Mercury in retrograde that I am a believer!

A strange communication “problem” happened when I was sharing my cancer diagnosis with friends early on.

Watch this video for what happened…

Here’s to you communicating like a champ,


PS:  Need support getting your communication strategy in order if you are facing a change or transition point in your life?  Sign up for a 1:1 brand strategy session with me.  Let’s get this started together.

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