Katy Goshtasbi, Author at Puris Consulting - Page 3 of 14
Your Body Knows You Better Than You Think

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: August 1, 2022

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Your Body Knows You Better Than You Think

You know that awful feeling when you start to realize you are coming down with something? The tickle in your throat, the low grade fever, maybe an achy body.

We’ve all had these feelings and then some- especially with Covid.

The question is how are you taking in this information from your body? Are you desperately fighting being sick or stopping to listen to your body?

Before breast cancer, I was mostly in the former category: I really, really, really didn’t want to be sick or deal with anything negative in (or on) my body! A rash or hives?! Yikes! Get rid of it. Sore throat? Ignore it!

I was really good at ignoring my body. Until I got breast cancer….

It was then that I really decided to slow down and pay attention to what my body was conveying to me with breast cancer.

It’s not just about ignoring your body. It’s about ignoring the signs your body is trying to send you.

Conventional western medicine does not address this idea. However, eastern medicine is all about the fact that your body is a messenger showing you what is out of balance and needs your loving attention.

That’s what I learned in my breast cancer journey: I learned to finally slow down, have more fun, be more lively and listen to my body. I did so by combining eastern and western medicine.

I don’t want you to have to learn this lesson the hard way…

What’s in this for you? Stop and consider:

• How do you respond to your aches, pains and symptoms? Do you resist or ignore your body and just push through?

• Next time you have an ache, a rash, acid reflux or a pain, consider stopping and getting really present to the symptom. Close your eyes, send that part of your body love and attention. Next, check in to see what your gut/intuition tells you about the pain. This doesn’t mean not going to the doctor, but it does mean staying aware and present to your body’s wisdom and feeling in control of your health and well-being. Great brands take care of themselves in service to others in their lives.

Up for coaching? I’m right here for you whenever you are ready to reach out. Or not. You are free and strong and can decide for yourself.

If you do want to connect, schedule a free Deep Dive Assessment. Sign up here.

If this content doesn’t resonate with you, please consider sharing it with others who may benefit.

Much love,


Like this post? Buy Me A Coffee.☕

Need collaboration and support with your brand, dealing with changes/transitions to grow your brand? Check out my services page.

Download my Top 5 Action Steps To Easily and Gracefully Master Change

If you read down this far, drop a comment below about whether my post above was helpful or not. I will send you a free gift that I am only giving out to a few people.

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A New Way of Managing Your Time

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: July 11, 2022

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Time seems like the villain we are all up against. We “go, go, go” and then collapse when we are worn out. Should it really be this way?

I remember vividly after my mastectomy I had much less of a perception of “time” in my world. It’s as if I was floating and flowing in the world. Odd, right? You would think I would have been in tremendous pain and grief over losing a body part….but just the opposite.


I was gently waking up to who I truly am- not a lawyer, wife, daughter, sister, nurturer, coach, etc. But a spiritual being and so much more.

What does that have to do with time? I discovered a big secret…

Because I was so keenly aware of my body, I kept focusing on what I was supposed to learn from this event. This deep focus, took me out of the space of time and put my attention on the bigger picture of my life.

Ever since then, if I want to avoid the anxiety and pressure that comes with keeping up with the demands of my world and managing time–I just shift my focus to who I really am and my greater purpose in this world. I choose to see the bigger picture.

What does this mean for you? Perhaps consider:

• How plagued are you with time and time management?
• Is the method you are using to manage your time (and stress) working for you? Are you experiencing inner peace, joy and naturally attracting the right people and opportunities to yourself?
• What’s one small shift you can create in your life that would allow you to more regularly and effectively stop and see the bigger picture for yourself?

Up for coaching? I’m right here for you whenever you are ready to reach out. Or not. You are free and strong and can decide for yourself.

If you do want to connect, I offer only three, free, 1:1 live Degree of Influence brand assessment meetings per month. Sign up here. But only do so if you are serious. I take these meetings seriously and so should you.

If this content doesn’t resonate with you, please consider sharing it with others who may benefit.

Much love,

PS: Women Lawyers: join me for a free, online event to clarify your ability to manage your time. Go here to learn more and register. One time event only.

Like this post? Buy Me A Coffee.☕

Need collaboration and support with your brand, dealing with changes/transitions to grow your brand? Check out my services page.

Download my Top 5 Action Steps To Easily and Gracefully Master Change

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It’s a Sign…Choking on Ice and Other Painful Signs

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: July 6, 2022

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It’s a Sign…Choking on Ice and Other Painful Signs

Have you ever accidentally swallowed a giant chunk of ice? I have. The realization that you have to wait for relief until the ice melts is painful. So is the actual pain of the ice stabbing my throat and then the “brain freeze”. If you’ve never experienced it, check it out. Just kidding!

Last week I had a client email me from overseas. He congratulated me on gracefully navigating my breast cancer journey. He said, “[i]t’s a sign of the deep inner work you had already been doing before the diagnosis.”

His kind statement was a sign for me. It made me really stop and take it all in. I have been doing deep inner work for a. very. long. time.

Doing the deep inner work is fruitful. It allows me to access those unconscious trauma points (yes, you have them, too- don’t pretend I’m not talking to you) that would otherwise keep me stuck, stale and unhappy. No one needs a stuck, stale and unhappy brand. Especially not you.

Doing the deep inner work got me through breast cancer…and any other trauma in my life.

For instance, just yesterday I was working on my issues around money and any pain I still have around the concept of money. I unearthed a treasure trove when I realized in my meditation that when I was a young child I overheard my parents talking about not having a particular “thing” that I needed. I heard that statement and made it about me- all these years later.

How is that possible? Really easy. My young mind made it happen to keep me safe. But guess what? “We don’t have X item” does NOT equal “Katy is not worthy”! It may be obvious to you, but it wasn’t obvious to me…until I did the deep inner work on myself.

All that to say, doing deep inner work is also painful. In some ways, it’s easier than choking on ice. In many ways, it’s way worse…

These days, whether you want to or not you are likely to have been doing/should be doing deep inner work on something. Take the overruling of Roe vs. Wade by the US Supreme Court. I believe the ruling was a sign for all of us.

Wherever you fall on the spectrum of this issue, it’s a sign for all of us to wake up and see the humanity in others with whom we may not agree. I may not share the viewpoint that a fetus’ life is more valuable than the mother’s life (and what about these children’s lives after they are born? Will those justices who overturned the law be taking in all the newborns and mothers and paying for their upbringing themselves?). However, I can stop and listen to the other side with compassion and intellect, not pure emotion.

Did the justices of the US Supreme Court apply this same logic? Likely not. The conflicting language in the opinion itself shows that neither side really wants to put themselves in the other’s shoes. They bicker like kids…with the lives of others at stake. As a lawyer, it really made me sad. I will never again value the US Supreme Court.

What’s in this for you? Stop and consider any issue you have with someone else.

Maybe it’s a sign for you to do some deep inner work and not have it be as painful as choking on ice:

• Are you willing to stop long enough to hear them out AND to put yourself in their shoes on this issue?
• If not, why?
• How does it make you feel when you don’t choose to allow others the freedom to be who they are? Do you really feel empowered? Or do you just feel more angry and unable to have inner peace?
• How does it make you feel when others don’t allow you the freedom to be who you are?
• What’s one small step you can take next time you find yourself in this situation? I guarantee you that life will keep serving it up to you. Maybe it won’t be the same magnitude as abortion and human rights issues, but still….

Up for coaching? I’m right here for you whenever you are ready to reach out. Or not. You are free and strong and can decide for yourself.

If you do want to connect, I offer only three, free, 1:1 live Degree of Influence brand assessment meetings per month. Sign up here.

If this content doesn’t resonate with you, please consider sharing it with others who may benefit.

Much love,


Like this post? Buy Me A Coffee.☕

Need collaboration and support with your brand, dealing with changes/transitions to grow your brand? Check out my services page.

Download my Top 5 Action Steps To Easily and Gracefully Master Change

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Speak Up and Stop Talking So Much: Using the Power of Your Voice at the Right Time

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: June 27, 2022

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Speak Up and Stop Talking So Much: Using the Power of Your Voice at the Right Time, image of Katy and Ramin Goshtasbi

My husband and I got in a heated discussion the other day.  We are looking for new accountants.  To us, it’s a big deal: we need both our business returns/tax planning managed, our personal return/tax planning managed PLUS our new non-profit, Josie’s Home, managed.

We met with a potential CPA at a new firm.  Afterwards, my husband was really upset with me.

This made me realize sometimes it’s beneficial to speak up, but also not talk so much. Use the power of your voice at the right time. 

Here’s Why

He said I didn’t let him get a word in during the conversation.  

Really? At first I was shocked.  Then I knew he had a really good point.  


I’m an extrovert.  I have no difficulty talking and holding the floor and leading a conversation.  I’m a public speaker and a trainer!

So it makes sense that when with introverts (my husband and, likely, any CPA/accountant), I’m going to overtalk them- every.darn.time. 

But that wasn’t the real revelation….there was something bothering me after that conversation with my husband….

Why was it then, that I, the self-professed extrovert who could talk and talk, often felt like I wasn’t speaking up for myself?

I then realized, after talking to my husband, that there is a BIG difference between me being able to talk and talk and hold the floor VERSUS knowing the right time to speak up for myself in order to self-express and speak my Truth.

I came to real clarity in that moment!  I realized that there are many opportunities where I can stay silent (NOT say a word) because I have no real reason to speak up for myself.  Then there are the harder moments, when I do need to speak up for myself, BUT I chicken out and just talk and talk and talk to avoid expressing my eternal Truth.

If my breast cancer journey taught me anything, it’s that I MUST state my Truth and live my authentic and best life–for my sake and for the sake of others.

What does this mean for you?  Stop and consider:

• How often do you over-talk just to get out nervous energy or feel good about holding the floor and getting attention?

• How often are you present enough to realize when you need to speak up for yourself and own your truth- preferably in as few words as possible? 

• EXERCISE:  next time you want to speak your truth, stop and search for the least words, and yet the MOST POWERFUL words that are kind, gentle, compassionate for everyone’s sake AND still allow you to feel good about yourself because you are owning who you are and speaking up.

Need support? I’m right here for you whenever you are ready to reach out. Or not. You are free and strong and can decide for yourself.

If you do want my support, I offer only three, free, 1:1 live Degree of Influence brand assessment meetings per month. Sign up here.

If this content doesn’t resonate with you, please consider sharing it with others who may benefit.

Much love,


Like this post? Buy Me A Coffee.☕

Need collaboration and support with your brand, dealing with changes/transitions to grow your brand? Check out my services page.

Download my Top 5 Action Steps To Easily and Gracefully Master Change

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Where’s Your Friend? Secret to Mastering Change

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: June 20, 2022

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Mastering Change, Where’s Your Friend? Secret to Mastering Change, image of a kid playing with toys using his imagination

When I was a kid, I had an imaginary friend (or two or three). We used to play together all the time. I remember when my niece was little, she had an imaginary friend who just so happened to be something like 50 years older than her and hung out with her in her bathroom. Did you have an imaginary friend when you were a child?

Does it feel like it’s no longer ok to have an imaginary friend just because you are an adult? Why is it that the power of our imagination seems to only be reserved for younger days?

Don’t you, as an adult, deserve to use your imagination? Better question: don’t you NEED to use your imagination?!?!

Yes, you do…..we all do…


Your imagination is the doorway to smooth mastery of any changes and transitions that show up in your life. When you use your imagination, you are accessing that amazing part of yourself that is flexible, creative, nimble, fun and exciting. That same part of you is needed to keep you strong and upright when you are having to deal with big(ger) changes, challenges and transitions; switching jobs, practice areas, careers, divorce, death, economic downshifts, etc.

Only then can you access who you are, build a great brand and message your brand to the right audience with ease and grace and authenticity.

What does this mean for you? Stop and consider:

• How often do you deliberately use your imagination? Why or why not?

• How creative do you allow yourself to be?

• Here’s an exercise for you: spend just 5 minutes a day accessing your creative and imaginative self by either a) coloring b) doodling or c) taking an activity you do daily (driving to work, showering, cooking) and deliberately doing it just a little bit differently. How does it feel to do routine tasks differently? Does it freak you out OR are you excited to leave the safety of the mundane and try something new, exercising your imagination and creativity?

Want more?

Check out my Katy G TV episode on this topic.

Download my checklist to manage change and transitions in your life with ease and grace.

If this content does or doesn’t resonate with you, please consider sharing it with others who may benefit.

Much love,


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Are You Dumbfounded and Speechless?

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: May 13, 2022

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Are You Dumbfounded and Speechless, image of a speech bubble made of paper

Mercury is in retrograde if you are reading this between May and June 2022. I know nothing about astrology. All I know is that when Mercury is in retrograde, communication falls apart. As if it was already easy to communicate with ourselves and others! I’ve seen this “problem” in action so much during Mercury in retrograde that I am a believer!

A strange communication “problem” happened when I was sharing my cancer diagnosis with friends early on.

Watch this video for what happened…

Here’s to you communicating like a champ,


PS:  Need support getting your communication strategy in order if you are facing a change or transition point in your life?  Sign up for a 1:1 brand strategy session with me.  Let’s get this started together.

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Quiet Answers

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: May 6, 2022

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Quiet Answers, image of woman on rocks at the ocean during sunset

Stuff happens in your life. Stuff happens in my life. That’s just a part of being human.

The question is what do you choose to do with your life as a result of “stuff” that happened?

As you all know by now, my “stuff” included being diagnosed with breast cancer last December and then having a mastectomy. When this stuff went down, I stopped and thought, “what is my lesson here?” (after I cried for a few days) and “what am I supposed to do with the lessons that I’m to learn?”.

Exchanging out my body part for an “upgraded” model has left me very different. In a really good way. I now have deep clarity (and excitement) for my purpose and my work with you going forward. I get it for myself.

The answers only came to me in those moments when I sat quietly by myself and listened to my internal guidance. I call this my quiet answers.

It’s all about being willing to deal with changes and transitions (cancer, new haircut, downsizing, retiring, changing practice areas, changing careers, going off to school, going back to school, etc) in a way that allows you to authentically bring your best (and real) self to the table AND liberates you to be just you.

I know your pain point. How?

What came to me as my quiet answers was, well…scary.

Up to now, I have been teaching, talking and sharing from a very mainstream point of view. The changes in my life now shift me into a place where I MUST teach from a place that’s authentically me. It’s not mainstream. It’s way more effective for you.

Personally, that means there’s now a split between who I am now because of the changes I have gone through and who I used to present myself to be. It’s like having one foot in a boat and one foot out on the dock. Sooner or later, you have to decide where to put both feet.

​​This is all about what has to happen before you work on your brand. First, you have to remake yourself and how you talk to yourself, waking up to yourself and your life changes/transitions. From there, we look at how to integrate it into your life and work and bring it forward to your audience, authentically and easily, as your brand.

Where in your life are you going through a change or transition that has you split between: a) who you used to be b) who others have always known you to be and c) who you really are and want to be?

Let’s start with you looking into this question. Take a quiet minute, a notepad and some coffee, tea. Sit down and be still. Let your quiet answers come to you. I promise they will if you allow them to do so.

Next time, I’ll give you some action steps to take in getting both feet into the boat so you can row to the next destination on your branding journey.

Here’s to you embarking on your change/transition journey and liberating yourself to have fun, make money, succeed in your career/business and be free!

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How To Do Community Service Well: Guide to Promote Your Corporate Brand, Grow Culture, Do Good In Your Community

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: April 20, 2022

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How To Do Community Service Well: Guide to Promote Your Corporate Brand, Grow Culture, Do Good In Your Community, image of community service and hands together

Fifteen years ago, when I was an employee in corporate America, we didn’t understand what community service really meant- for our company or for our community.

I remember being offered the opportunity to run in the Lawyers Have Heart, Georgetown 10K race sponsored by the American Heart Association. I had no notion of what heart disease was about nor why, as lawyers in my law firm, we would want to support the cure for it. All I remember was signing up because I needed the exercise and I liked running through Georgetown. Oh, and there was a big party promised at the finish line. Sign me up! It sounded like fun.

Fast forward all these years and now as a change and branding expert and consultant, I really value community service platform building in my client organizations- for all the right reasons.

Done right, community service platform building by a company is a very powerful tool.

Here are three main results your company derives from having a strong community service platform:

1. It generates goodwill through the local community for your corporate brand– when I build community service platforms for corporate clients, it is with the intentional plan of doing so to increase their brand goodwill and resonance within their community. Like attracts like. If your organization is on a mission to do good, you will gather attention among community members who share your altruistic mission. These same community members who now have affinity for you are also your biggest fan and potential buyers who emotionally resonate with your brand and have high recall for your brand the next time it comes top of mind. They will associate your corporate brand with a positive emotion (i.e., helping the community). That’s all you need to grow and generate more revenues.

2. It helps grow culture internally amongst employees who are now on a shared mission to do good- Everyone wants to do good deep down. Employees would really love it if they worked for an organization that did good, too. Getting a paycheck from a company that shares your innate values and sense of community motivates employees to show up every day and do their job to the best of their abilities. The results are amazing: attrition rates go down, morale is high, employees share their love of working at your organization and thus, organically increase brand awareness. Revenues grow.

3. It helps the community– this is the obvious goal that should be your company focus and only focus. If your company is not in it for the right reasons, the brand suffers even more. Genuine brands win. The other two results discussed here are strong derivative byproducts. You can call it Karma if that works for you. Let’s just say doing good has its own rewards.

Most corporations are waking up to the necessity and value of community service. That’s fantastic and I applaud them all for doing so. It’s a great start.

Yet, I find that the approach most corporations are taking could be streamlined and made easier and therefore, more productive.

What do we do next? Here are my recommended next steps to success in community service platform building:

1. Ten thousand feet approach – many corporations take the same approach to community service building as they do to running the business. They assign this very important task to a committee of interested employees, which is great. But leadership gives the employees no direction. Leadership just feels like it’s good enough to have the group exist. Wrong. What needs to happen is that you have to step back and look at it from a big picture perspective: a) what is the mission and vision and values of your organization? b) how does your community service activities fit within this mission and vision? c) write your community service mission and vision based on this.

2. Poll your employee pool – if community service is to lead to the results I describe above, every employee must give their input and express their community service desires.

3. Deliberate Plan – you next must take what you developed in the first step and write a deliberate plan of action including: a) where do you want to do outreach in the community b) why? c) how often d) how will this be messaged out to resonate the brand value of the organization in keeping with results #1 and #2 above? This item requires you to not think small. For example, don’t invite a massage therapist to come and talk to your community service group about the benefits of massage and what you can do with it in the community. That’s not outreach. That’s allowing someone to come into your organization and sell to you directly. It’s essentially an infomercial.

Above all else, remember community service building is a long-term plan and not so easy to do well. You must be patient and willing to get creative and be curious and courageous. You must also be willing to ask for support from experts.

As an expert in this area, I’m always ready to lend you my expertise and support to guide you in developing the right community service platform to reach the results listed above.

Got questions? Got feedback? Want support? Email me at Katy@purisconsulting.com.

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My Cancer’s Revelations

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: April 13, 2022

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My Cancer’s Revelations, image of hands holding a paper heart

My breast cancer journey led me to many places. Feeling weak and useless wasn’t one of them.

Well, at first when I was diagnosed that’s how I felt. Can’t lie to you.

BUT, as time went on and I had treatment AND really got to exploring who I am now, something super interesting happened…..

I came to realize a few HUGE things about myself and about all of us human beings:

1. Asking for help is ok: I needed real help after my mastectomy. I mean, I couldn’t even get out of bed at first. That was humbling. I couldn’t shower by myself for a while, let alone drive. I came to realize that asking for help brings you closer to your world and your divinity. It wasn’t easy at first. But I had no choice. Try it out.

2. Do what your heart desires: Not only is asking for help allowed, but doing what you desire is ok. As I healed, I came to realize that I didn’t want to (or need to) please others. When people would ask me to do something with them, I often responded with: “Thanks for asking. I’ll have to sit on that and think it over. Please make plans without me and if I do join, then that will be great.” I felt freedom and a deep emotional connection with the other person. No one ever walked away and got offended. Instead, they felt my deep presence, thought and regard to their invitation.

3. Vulnerability does not equal weak: Most of us think that if we ask for help or say “no” then we are acting weak and exposing ourselves, thereby being vulnerable. I discovered just the opposite. The more I genuinely asked for help and did what my heart desired, the more powerful and strong I became. Amazingly, my strength and power started spreading to those around me, too.

4. I’ve got your back. I’m not your caretaker: During my recovery period, the more people I asked for help the more I realized there is a big difference between supporting others and being there for them versus waiting hand and foot on others. During my recovery, I often heard my husband say to me, “I’m right here if you need me, but you’ve got to practice bending over and picking up your socks by yourself.” He was encouraging me to move past my old limitations and practice getting stronger and more able. There’s a big difference between literally waiting hand and foot on others versus making sure you are supported/supporting others. It’s way harder to support and encourage, I’ve discovered. Why? Because I could see the pain and sadness on my husband’s face when he had to stop himself from doing what I needed to do for myself.

What does all this mean for you?

• Perhaps consider going through each of the four points above.

• Sit with each idea for 3 to 5 minutes in silence.

• What comes up for you? Resistance? Acknowledgement?

• What needs to change in your world so you are living your authentic brand and sharing it with others personally and professionally?

Need support? I’m right here for you whenever you are ready to reach out. Or not. You are free and strong and can decide for yourself.

If you do want my support, I offer only three free 1:1 live Degree of Influence brand assessment meetings per month. Sign up here.

If this content doesn’t resonate with you, please consider sharing it with others who may benefit.

Much love,


Like this post? Buy Me A Coffee.☕

Need collaboration and support with your brand, dealing with changes/transitions to grow your brand? Check out my services page.

Download my Top 5 Action Steps To Easily and Gracefully Master Change

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Pandering vs Not Pandering

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: April 1, 2022

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pandering vs not pandering, image of a guy jumping during a sunset at the beach

In living almost 50 years, I’ve had quite a few “aha” moments. I can sincerely say that my recent breast cancer diagnosis was a HUGE aha moment – and not just for the obvious reasons we often think about with cancer.

In December 2021, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. While my case wasn’t the worst cancer case ever, it was more involved than I had ever imagined. When I first found out, I was shocked.  Then I was scared, but only briefly. Deep down, I always knew this wouldn’t kill me.

I then switched gears and got real quiet. I went inside and got still. Still enough to listen to my heart and soul. I tapped into my faith and inner power. It took awhile, but it happened.

As a result, I didn’t share my news with many clients or friends until I had made a decision to have the recommended surgery. On February 22, 2022 I had a mastectomy on my left breast. I’m now healing nicely. I’ve been incredibly blessed and overwhelmed by the love and support of so many friends, clients and of course, my family.

Yesterday, I was reflecting on one of Stephen Pressfield’s inspirational writings. In his amazing book, “The War of Art”, Pressfield, who is one of my favorite authors, enlightens me with what is now another post-cancer “aha” moment. (By the way, if you haven’t read this book of his please do so. It will change your life for the better, if you let it!).

Pressfield comments that often we write/self-express from a place of inauthenticity. In other words, we write what we believe our audience wants from us. We’ve been taught it’s good marketing to get into our audience’s mind and give them the content that they desire.  Sounds fair, right?

As Pressfield brilliantly writes, when we do this we are not writing authentically from our heart.  We fear what we really want to share won’t “sell”. He likens this person to a politician who consults the polls and then takes a position. Someone who panders. He posits that we should be writing what WE feel is wanting to come through us. As Pressfield notes, writing the other way may produce results, but it’s really at the cost of your soul. You have sold out your soul and your inner muse.

For so long, I’ve been writing (weekly emails to my list, blogs, articles, books, etc.) from a place of wanting to give my audience exactly what you want and need. I’ve felt good doing so because it was altruistic – like a good mother hen or inspirational figure would do.

HA! What a wake up call I have had post-cancer around this topic.

Not only was it arrogant of me to assume I was your inspiration and knew better than you, it was also very hollow not sharing what I really want to share with you all.

It’s almost exactly what I preach against to all my clients: be your authentic best brand by sharing exactly who you are and what moves through you to share in that moment.

I’ve always felt Spirit moves through me, as the vessel, to convey certain information at the right time. Who am I to not do so?

I am just the humble vessel conveying the very important message.

I’m also the courageous one willing to take the risk (and opportunity) to be authentically me.

Both of these facts require two things of me:

1. Faith: I choose to trust that I am guided by a higher, benevolent power that wants the best for you and me, always and forever. That said, I can trust what I’m sharing to be exactly the right content.

2. Self-awareness: It takes incredible self-awareness to tune in to my higher self and convey the right message and content. If I’m not self-aware, I miss the mark and don’t necessarily convey the right content.

Both of these facts provide me with a huge gift: Freedom.

When I self-express what I feel I should be sharing, I feel a HUGE sense of freedom to be me.  How often do we go through life censoring ourselves? We stifle our real selves for what we think we should be saying and doing.

I find that as a woman and a lawyer (and a refugee and younger child), stifling myself was my best practice. Doing so felt familiar AND uncomfortable, just like that rock in my shoe.

This practice is so common, that it feels like the only acceptable way to be. It did for me. Until now.

However, this practice emotionally drained me and left me numb and lacking emotional connection – to myself and others.

I know this isn’t just my problem.

SO, going forward you’ll find all of my content is what I am moved to share with you. I’m going to trust it is for the highest good for me to share this content with you – for my highest good AND for your highest good.

Get ready. We’re gonna have some fun!

What does this mean for you? Stop and consider:

• where in your life do you stop just shy of expressing your authentic self? Do you censor yourself professionally because business is meant to be that way? If so, how does it feel?

• what would your life be like if you relaxed and trusted life to allow you to self-express freely and creatively?

• what’s one small place you can start self-expressing yourself because that’s what feels good to YOU? Small steps make huge differences.

Reply back and let me know how this topic resonates with you. I’m happy to support you in any way I can.

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