Written by Katy Goshtasbi
Posted on: April 8, 2019
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When I lived and practiced law in Washington, DC, I hardly knew what the word, “networking” even meant. Looking back though, I was constantly networking. I was showing up 3-4 nights a week at various events and parties on and off The Hill. We used to do so much networking that by the time the weekends rolled around, I was exhausted. However, it never felt like networking. It doesn’t matter the industry, in my expertise, the rules of networking are all the same. Let’s discuss the do’s and don’ts of networking in the music industry.
People hear the word “networking” and the same thing always happens. Most people cringe at the thought of making small talk and having to walk around and meet new people. The rest wonder what’s the best way to “sell themselves” and kiss up to the right people in order to climb the ranks.
It’s the same problem in the music industry. My artist clients are always wondering what they are supposed to do and not do to network in the music industry.
Let me make it really simple- it’s all about human psychology combined with what your mother and/or Miss Manners taught you.
- Figure out WHY you are an artist- know your personal story cold so you can share your uniqueness with those you are networking with. Otherwise, you are forgettable and show up like the zillions of other artists.
- Be patient- everything takes time and developing meaningful connections with people, who will remember and love you as an artist and human, takes time and patience.
- Be kind- be kind to everyone you meet. Assume everyone is that “one” special person who can be your raving fan and launch your career or catapult you even further. Truly, I’m asking you to just be nice, but if it takes you fearing
screwing up with the wrong person, then so be it.
- Pretend like you are someone you are not just to impress. The music industry is full of people pretending. No one will like you more if you are not authentic and real. The truth will surface at some point. When it does your lack of self-confidence will really be obvious. Be yourself. Be an artist. Be real.
- Overlook the subtle cues that move mountains. In music, as in life, the magic is in the subtleties. Watch for details in peoples’ mannerisms and body language to help you establish rapport when you network. I liken it to the subtleties when you are singing a note or writing a song.
- Sit it out. Show up, show up, show up. No one will ever know your greatness as an artist if you play small and hide behind your guitar or lyrics. We have to see you
to love you, and your brand as an artist. So be courageous and show up as your authentic self. The right people will always notice and love you.
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