Written by Katy Goshtasbi
Posted on: June 7, 2021
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When I was little I used to talk A LOT and often. I always had something to say. It was like I had to share my brand with the world (more like my mom, dad and sister!).
Clients often come to me and ask me about having a brand statement that represents them. Here’s what one client, from a major corporation, said on a LinkedIn recommendation about her work with me. She found her voice and brand statement- and uses it well in a large corporate setting, virtually!
“Katy has helped me get more clarity into my strengths and how best to utilize them. She has helped me define my personal brand and be aware of consistently showing up aligned with it. My success at this was reflected in a recent review that literally used adjectives to describe me that were my brand adjectives! I’ve also found her coaching about impactful communications invaluable. I have more confidence now than ever in having sometimes difficult conversations and have become more effective in marketing myself.”
How can you find your brand statement? Here are some tips to consider:
- Make it personal: business is personal and so is your brand statement. If you tend too much towards being formal and “business-like”, you’ll miss the point and be ineffective.
- What do others say about you? What others have to say about you is very much your brand statement externally displayed and summarized by your audience.
- Catalog your “wins”: knowing what you excel at, big and small, is the first step in owning how great you really. Only then can you put it into a statement to the world.
May this inspire you to live your best brand statement.
Much love,
PS: And whenever you are ready, here are 2 more ways I can guide you to discover/refine your personal brand so you can grow your practice/career, have a practice that authentically represents and get rid of overwhelm/get back your time and personal life:
- Scheduling a 1:1 Personal Brand DNA Assessment & Strategy Session with me.
- Emotional Resonance Factor© Mini-Course: Take the next step in developing your ideal personal brand by learning the secret that all marketers know.