Written by Katy Goshtasbi
Posted on: July 11, 2022
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Time seems like the villain we are all up against. We “go, go, go” and then collapse when we are worn out. Should it really be this way?
I remember vividly after my mastectomy I had much less of a perception of “time” in my world. It’s as if I was floating and flowing in the world. Odd, right? You would think I would have been in tremendous pain and grief over losing a body part….but just the opposite.
I was gently waking up to who I truly am- not a lawyer, wife, daughter, sister, nurturer, coach, etc. But a spiritual being and so much more.
What does that have to do with time? I discovered a big secret…
Because I was so keenly aware of my body, I kept focusing on what I was supposed to learn from this event. This deep focus, took me out of the space of time and put my attention on the bigger picture of my life.
Ever since then, if I want to avoid the anxiety and pressure that comes with keeping up with the demands of my world and managing time–I just shift my focus to who I really am and my greater purpose in this world. I choose to see the bigger picture.
What does this mean for you? Perhaps consider:
• How plagued are you with time and time management?
• Is the method you are using to manage your time (and stress) working for you? Are you experiencing inner peace, joy and naturally attracting the right people and opportunities to yourself?
• What’s one small shift you can create in your life that would allow you to more regularly and effectively stop and see the bigger picture for yourself?
Up for coaching? I’m right here for you whenever you are ready to reach out. Or not. You are free and strong and can decide for yourself.
If you do want to connect, I offer only three, free, 1:1 live Degree of Influence brand assessment meetings per month. Sign up here. But only do so if you are serious. I take these meetings seriously and so should you.
If this content doesn’t resonate with you, please consider sharing it with others who may benefit.
Much love,
PS: Women Lawyers: join me for a free, online event to clarify your ability to manage your time. Go here to learn more and register. One time event only.
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