3 Examples of Innovation in Business & Their Impacted on your Day to Day
3 Examples of Innovation in Business & How They Impacted Day to Day Tasks

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: November 27, 2018

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Examples of Innovation in Business, hand drawing of lightbulb

When I think of innovation, I don’t think of innovation in the way most people do. I think of innovation as people choosing to see things differently in business. Let’s discuss three examples of innovation in business and how they impacted day to day tasks and see where you can grow your brand and business.


The dictionary defines a synonym for “innovation” as “transformation”.

That’s how I see innovation- where are you in business choosing to see things differently. Transformation is all about truly seeing things differently, which always involves risk and iteration. This requires bravery.

What do I mean? Well, let’s look at three examples of innovation in business that made an impact on day to day tasks. These examples are all based on people choosing to see things differently.

1. Having Fun: why in the world is it such an odd thing to have fun in business?! Why is it that business has to be so serious? Who would ever want to work at a place that is so serious? Isn’t fun a good thing? Most people believe that if work is fun, it will detract from employee productivity. The opposite is true. Zappos is the perfect example. One of Zappos core values is to “create fun”. When employees have fun, they do their day to day tasks- no matter how monotonous- better. That’s a fact of life.


2. Be Kind: A very successful (and unhappy) business man one day told me that I was “too nice in business”. I thanked him for the compliment. I ask you the same question as I did above: when did being kind in business become such a bad thing? If customer and client service really matters, isn’t it all about being kind? Employees are humans. If you treat them with kindness, they feel wanted and perform every day tasks best.


3. Be quirky: Elon Musk is a good example of quirky in business. You can call him whatever you want, but quirky works for him and hasn’t necessarily hurt Tesla. If you don’t believe that, then let’s go back to Zappos. They call it “weirdness” in their top ten core values. Quirky means you are unique and can “own” it. Letting employees show their quirks (within reason) allows them to be themselves and do their tasks well.

You may not consider any of the three above as innovation, but I do. We have to go back to basics in business and in life because we have forgotten the truth in this world.

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