Written by Katy Goshtasbi
Posted on: April 1, 2019
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I remember when I was a junior lawyer starting out in my career. I would often find myself excited at the prospect of growing in my career and being a really good lawyer. I would also find myself overwhelmed at the thought of how I was going to accomplish all of that. I always felt like I hit a wall when I started going down the road of the “how”. These days I know the key to expanding your brand is to create a self-development plan to grow.
The key, in my expert opinion, to an effective self-development plan to grow your brand is NOT in the question of, “how will I grow my brand”? The key is in answering the question, “what will I grow my brand out to be”?
Focusing on “the what” is much more effective. Why?
The “what” in your brand is all about YOU. That’s exciting. It gives you the ability to step back and look at your life and career goals and life purpose ambitions/dreams. This big picture allows you to get creative, use your imagination and think big.
Once you have a good idea of what you want to grow your brand to be, you can now sit down and put together a self-development plan to achieve that brand expansion and growth. What will that self-development plan look like? The sky is the limit. It should look different for everyone. However, the key concepts to capture should include a good look at a) why- what is your purpose b) what natural strengths/talents do you have and how can you bring them to life and sharpen them c) how much time will you allocate to your plan, ie, how serious are you about your plan and d) how will you know when you have gotten to a good place in your plan- ie, how will you measure results?
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