Written by Katy Goshtasbi
Posted on: February 3, 2023
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When I was chair of the American Bar Association (ABA) Law Practice Division I was responsible for appointing chairs to all our committees. For our Diversity committee, I appointed a brilliant and caring and deeply knowledgeable person. It just so happened that this person was also a sixty year old, white male. He came to me asking why I had appointed him instead of a person that represented diversity better.
My answer: not only did he understand diversity BUT because he was a sixty year old white male, he could connect with those who perhaps needed to allow and accept more diversity within their respective communities and corporate settings. His eyes got real big and he really understood: Like attracts like.
Hiring and recruiting is a tricky situation for employers and employees alike. This is especially true when looking to fill positions such as diversity.
A position like diversity often draws candidates from diverse backgrounds. Most employers will opt to place someone of color, women, etc- who represent diversity. That’s fine and works very well.
Stop and ask yourself the real question: what are you hiring for? Said another way: what are your company’s end goals in hiring for a particular position like diversity-focused ones? Who will fill those positions best from multiple perspectives?
Much love,
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A company I previously worked for had a minority person serving as the chief of diversity. She was focused only on her own minority group. It did not benefit those who belonged to other types of minority group.
Super interesting. I’m sorry that was the result. That may be a function of being a minority and/or just being human and focused on me, me, me, and my folks.