Katy Goshtasbi, Author at Puris Consulting - Page 9 of 14
Employee Competency: Evaluate Your Staff for Strengths With a Measurable Growth Plan

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: November 6, 2018

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Growth Plan, woman on laptop with plan

When I was a kid and wanted to learn how to play the clarinet, I came up with a crude plan on how long I would practice each day. This plan included what songs I would practice playing, when I would move on to more difficult songs, etc. Employee competency is not any different. In order to grow a division or business well, you’ve got to evaluate your staff for strengths with a measurable growth plan.

Employers and CEOs often tell me that they just want to grow and deal with all the changes around them well. They often look to operations and strategies to do so.

Not very often do they look at their employees. Why?

It’s way easier to deal with operations and overall strategies than dealing with the mushy (ie, human) issues around employees. When I ask them how they matched a particular employee to a job, they often don’t have a good answer. Often times, they inherited employees through mergers and acquisitions or re-alignments within their organizations. As a result, most employees are not in a job that utilizes their strengths well. The end result of this mismatch is a bunch of unmotivated, confused, unhappy, unproductive employees who are inadvertently driving business far away from healthy growth.

What’s the cure?

Stop and consider these steps:

Step ONE: Give each employee an assessment to find out their strengths. I created my own. I can administer this for you. Or there are online versions that are generic, as well.

Step TWO: Does each employee have an individualized growth plan geared towards their strengths? If not, create one. This will take you sitting down with each employee to discuss their assessment results and brainstorming on how their individual growth is tied to your overall company/division growth.

Step THREE: monitor the plan. This means you are in regularly scheduled review meetings with your staff around their growth plan and course correct as needed.

Need more support? Download this guide.

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The Road to Success: How To Overcome Your Professional Rut and Get Promoted

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: October 30, 2018

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The Road to Success, Business man holding briefcase

Trends in society signal to me problems we are developing. As a researcher, I take these trends very seriously. Why? Because it impacts my clients’ ability to get promoted. Let’s talk about your road to success and how to overcome your professional rut and get promoted.

The other day I ordered a salad for lunch. I asked for dressing on the side. The waiter acknowledged my request. My salad still came out with dressing on it, instead of on the side. The very same thing happened at dinner that same night. Every time I order a cup of coffee, they ask me if I want “room for cream”. I always say, “no”. 75% of the time, the barista either asks me again if I want “room for cream” or hands me a cup that has room for cream.

Does any of this sound familiar? What is going on?

Here’s the answer to the question above- no one is very self-aware anymore, if they ever were. Everyone is distracted beyond comprehension- to the point they can’t do their job anymore. If it happens at the coffee shop or the restaurant, it’s happening to you as a professional in corporate America- I promise you.

I see it daily as I do consulting in companies of all sizes and various industries- employees are in a professional rut and not getting promoted because they are not self-aware and are bored and distracted. Management doesn’t necessarily see it this way- they just assume the employee isn’t “good” at their job. How can you know if this is you or your staff’s dilemma and how do you fix it?

Here are some simple signs to look for:

• Can you look someone in the eye while carrying on a conversation?
• Do you actually “hear” what people are saying or are you a million miles away?
• Do you feel like what you do makes a difference in the world or is it unfulfilling? If you don’t even understand this question, then we have a problem.
• Do you know what your natural strength and talent is? Have you stopped to think about it?

If you answered in the negative to any of the questions above, then you may be distracted and not self-aware and you could potentially be in a job rut that won’t get you promoted, leaving you with an icky brand.

What’s the solution? Stop and consider, what can you do to not be so distracted. Self-awareness starts with the desire to change your behavior and drive your behavior in a different direction. It also means you need to be brave enough to try on something new. If you do want to be more self-aware, the first step is just that- declaring that you don’t like the way things are going right now and that you would like to move forward with the intent to be more self-aware.

The simplest way to do so is to sit still for 15-minutes once a day (call it meditation or whatever works for you). Less is more. Doing more is only going to leave you more distracted and less self-aware. You don’t need to be optimal ever second of every day. You just need to be aware of your behavior and see if it is getting you deliberate results based on goals you set for yourself- like getting promote.

Need more support? Download this guide. You’ve got this- I know it! I’m here for you.

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Katy G TV – Episode 8

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: October 19, 2018

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What’s your biggest challenge when it comes to your dream personal brand?

Email or call me and let’s connect and brainstorm:

Want to kickstart your ideal and authentic brand-easily and for free:


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How to Identify Your Natural Talents and Find Your Place in the Music Scene

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: October 16, 2018

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Identify Your Natural Talents, Man playing music on the street

I often think about what it must feel like to be a musician. The frenzy of the music scene, the expectations, both self-made and brought on by others, the possibility of being seen and heard around the world, and the possibility of failure. How can a musician identify and own their natural talents and find their rightful place in such a music scene?

When we think of natural talent, it seems that musicians have that part of it figured out for sure, right? I mean, isn’t music their natural talent?

Well, yes and no.

Obviously, being a musician means you are naturally talented in music. If you don’t have that part, then we’ve got big problems- no one will buy your brand if you aren’t musically inclined and call yourself a musician. However, there is another facet to identifying your natural talent. This facet applies whether you are a musician or not. As a musician you have a natural talent, beyond music, that you must find and cultivate in order to succeed and find your place in the music scene.

Your natural talent has to do with finding that ONE thing you do each day that comes so easily and naturally to you, that you assume this act comes naturally to everyone- like breathing. I remember when I learned about my natural talent, I was shocked to discover that not everyone has the same level of ease and grace around this one act. What?!?!? I remember thinking to myself how shocking it was.

Finding this natural talent is more about how you interact with your audience and connect with us emotionally. It is that vibe or special “thing” that you do that makes us remember you and keeps us coming back for more and more of your music. Without it, your actual musical talent only goes so far.

So what does this mean for you? Stop and consider:

• What is that one thing you do everyday that comes so easily for you AND brings you a ton of joy/happiness in doing so.

• How can you utilize it to connect with your audience in such a way that your audience then becomes hooked on your music?

For more tips and support with your brand and growing your music career, download this guide.

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Katy’s Journey Journal – How Being in Prison Freed Me

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: October 8, 2018

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Being in Prison Freed Me, man standing in field arms out

I belong to a fantastic national organization out to make America the best it can be. We are a couple hundred people, mostly successful entrepreneurs, spread out across the country focused on a few areas that we believe make a huge impact. As a result, we visited Donovan State Penitentiary recently. Our purpose was to get to know a group of inmates that had been part of a Ted Talk series from inside the prison. Even before I became a lawyer, I had the opportunity to visit a prison many times. I worked for an attorney whose clientele were all incarcerated. That meant, I got to do the jailhouse visits to clients.
So, given I had the experience of visiting a prison many times in the past, why was I so apprehensive about going to visit Donovan? I thought it was because I was afraid of the actual prisoners harming me. After all, Donovan is a level 4/maximum security prison. So I sucked it up, as I always do, knowing that courageous brands win in the end. I figured I would go and share a bit of my brilliant wisdom with folks who “had done wrong”.
Boy was I wrong. I was not prepared for what I learned.
The day was magical. I got to sit down and really get to know many of the prisoners. Sure, there were a TON of rules, designed for our safety. However, the human bond can surpass safety rules. As we talked and shared what we had learned in life, through a series of brilliantly well-facilitated exercises meant to bring each of us out in earnest, my world changed right before my eyes.
The inmates spoke enthusiastically about getting educated formally in prison. They spoke of having quality time to spend reflecting on their life and choices and choosing to act differently by changing their minds about who they wanted to be in life going forward. They spoke of love and kindness and hope. They thanked me for interacting with them as humans.

I learned that anyone can make bad choices in life that can end in situations that put us in prison.

prison of your own life, man staring out the window

I learned that many of us are prisoners of our own lives even if we are not in an actual prison. Why?

As I connected to more and more prisoners, hearing their stories and learning what they have learned from years and years on the inside, I realized what Nelson Mandela had said so long ago about how he got through all those years of being imprisoned. When asked how he lived all those years in prison, Mandela simply answered that he chose to be there every day. Yes, even in prison we can decide to shift our mentality and choose to see things differently. We can choose to be in prison. To me this meant that many of us on the “outside” go through our days begrudgingly, scared of losing the jobs we hate, angry at the world for our full plates and our overflowing inboxes. On many days, this described me pretty darn well.
So in essence, we don’t have a choice and are in a form of prison, too. We just don’t have walls up around us to keep us in. We don’t need walls. We are masters at staying angry and blaming others for our misery and our circumstances. That’s enough to keep us a prisoner in our own life- forever.
I learned that faith and hope are truly a gift we give ourselves. Without faith and hope, our world is dark and we are very much in our own prisons. Even inmates with life sentences without the opportunity of parole expressed a desire to be better people. Maybe the actions they took to be better people didn’t shave enough years off their sentence to ensure they ever got out of prison. However, they had hope and faith for other reasons. These prisoners clearly understood and relayed to me that by being better people they positively impacted so many others around them: other inmates, their loved ones who came to visit, the prison staff and guards.
I learned that I wasn’t afraid of visiting Donovan prison because of the inmates. I was afraid of learning something about myself and having to make a choice of being a better person. I was blown away. I walked out of that prison with a new-found appreciation for my own life and actual freedom. I also walked away realizing I needed to do a better job of seeing my world differently and being different. This experience had made me realize we are all the same at our core, regardless of the label that’s on us.
Here’s a result of how my perception is different, thus leading me to a change in behavior. This week in Chicago when I came across the myriad of homeless people, I stopped and acknowledged them just like I would a colleague or family member. I looked them in the eye and respectfully said hello. They were seen and heard just like my prisoner friends.


1) Where in your life do you operate from a place of being a prisoner? What’s one thing you can do to shift your mentality and break free?

2) How do you go around seeing others in your life? Do you respect others for their differences or do you ignore others if they are not like you? How can you choose to see things differently?

I realize what I’m asking you to think about is a very big and heavy deal. However, I also know that you are up for it. Growth is about transformation. Transformation is not always easy. Courage gets us far. One step at a time.

Call or email with comments about this post. You got this.




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How to Earn Respect: Why People Don’t Take You Seriously

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: October 1, 2018

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How to Earn Respect, Meeting room, man doing presentation.

I operate in a lot of different circles in my life, personally and professionally. In my professional career as a securities lawyer most of the time it’s been me and men, who are almost twice my age. We always got along and had respect for one another. Fast forward 15 years into my second career as a change and branding expert and I realized the same isn’t always true. Why? Let’s chat about how to earn respect and why people don’t take you seriously, using my story as our lesson.

In my second career, I serve on numerous boards and chair two of them. On one board, I was having a hard time earning the respect of the almost exclusively male board. I was frustrated and disappointed in the board members’ behavior- why were they refusing to work together and worse, why did it seem like they wouldn’t take me seriously?

Then it dawned on me. I was playing small and showing up angry with them often. That meant I wasn’t earning their respect. So why should they take me seriously?
What Was I Doing Wrong?
Simply put, I wasn’t respecting myself. Because they were all men, and men behave different than women by nature, they were talking over me and hanging out with each other. That made me feel left out and not worthy.

So I stepped back and asked: what does their natural behavior have to do with respect for me? I then realized that if I respected myself, then nothing anyone did would rock my boat.
Get It?
Once I decided to respect myself, I had a mental shift. I started to see things differently. As a result, I started showing up very differently- I spoke up when I needed to without getting frustrated, I held my ground firm but with kindness and compassion and I got my point across softly while leading the path silently. Was this easy? No. It’s simple, but not always easy. It took me being really honest with myself and not blaming others for my negative mental outlook.
Guess What?
When I earned my own respect, the board members started to show up differently around me. Did they always behave the way I wished them to do? Maybe, maybe not. The point is, I can’t control the people around me. I can only control my mentality- and thus my brand perception and outward display.

What does this mean for you? Stop and consider:

1. Where in your life are you not respecting yourself? How does that show up?
2. Do you go around saying you “deserve” respect and need others to take you seriously?
3. What’s one small mental shift you can make today to start respecting yourself more?


While none of this is easy, I know you got this. I’m here to support you and your brand growth as you work through these changes.

Want more support? Download this guide below.


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Katy G TV – Episode 7

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: September 25, 2018

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What’s your biggest challenge when it comes to your dream personal brand?

Email or call me and let’s connect and brainstorm:

Want to kickstart your ideal and authentic brand-easily and for free:


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Women in Cryptocurrency: Three Brand Strategy Tips That Will Make You Be Seen, Heard, and Listened To

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: September 23, 2018

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Women in Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, cryptocurrency

I’m a huge fan and follower of all that has been going on in the Cryptocurrency space. I’m also lucky to have a close family member who is a renowned expert in this field. As a result, I’ve come to observe the distinctions between the experts in the Cryptocurrency world. This is because many show up at conferences, have an online presence, or a television presence, etc.
As a Branding and Change expert, here’s what I’ve noticed. The female experts in this space are very knowledgeable, equaling and even possibly surpassing their male counterparts. Yet the female experts show up very differently than the male experts. In my opinion, part of the reason for this difference is nature, and part is likely a habit.
The goal is to have experts, of any gender, present the world with the right information in this space to move the needle forward and make a difference. That said, every expert needs to be seen and heard.

Here are three tips to support you in being seen and heard in this space so that you can be the contribution you want to be with your expertise:

1. “Own It”
This is my favorite phrase and one I often use with clients. Before anyone believes us to be an expert in any field, we must first believe in ourselves. So, do you believe you are good at what you do? Do you believe you are an expert in the Crypto space? If so, then use your expertise and share it with everyone more often.
2. Show Up and Be Ready to Be Seen as Yourself 
I’ve observed that as women, often we don’t show up. When we do, we don’t always show up as our best, genuine and authentic self.

Last month I reached out to two women experts in Cryptocurrency with different opportunities for them to be on national panels on this subject. Both of them declined without any explanation why. Their male counterparts, to whom I went to next, both said “yes” to my offer within seconds. Why? I have no idea. Maybe the women had better/other events for which they were scheduled. That’s my hope.

But what if they just didn’t want to show up?

As a woman, it’s easy to get sucked into the problem of competing with the opposite gender. When I practiced law in Washington DC, I saw many women lawyers (including myself at times) try to compete with men by trying to look and behave more like a man. We would wear dark pantsuits and pretend that we were like men. It was painful and didn’t get results. The men didn’t respect us, and other women competed harder with us. All it did was drive up stress and reduce self-confidence (see HERE for my full research abstract on this topic).
Only genuine brands win. The external packaging of your brand needs to match the internal person you are. That’s brand consistency. What a relief to know you can show up as yourself and that is good enough!
Consider why you do and don’t want to show up. If you choose not to show up, make sure you are clear as to WHY you don’t want to show up. Is it out of fear or a true lack of need to show up?
If you are going to show up, showing up as yourself is the best. If you want to wear a skirt, go for it. If you stand out and look good in pink or a floral print, please do so. Make-up is fine. At conferences, having makeup on allows the audience to see your features and facial gestures better from afar. So, it possibly enhances communication. There’s nothing more powerful, attractive and credible than a person who knows who they are and shows up as their best self.
3. Bring Your Unique Natural Strengths to the Game
Each of us has something we do so easily during the day and we don’t even realize others may not be as good at doing this “thing”. We take our natural ability for granted. Often it has nothing to do with your actual expertise in the crypto space or anywhere else substantively. Identifying and deliberately using your natural strength makes you feel good about yourself because you are at ease. Only then are you put in a place where you emotionally resonate even more effectively with your audience and are seen as even more credible.
I would love to hear your questions, comments and experiences in this area.
If I can support you, please let me know. One of the ways we support powerful women is through our Virtual Branding Bootcamp Support Circles.
I’m a huge fan. We have this! I promise.

Here’s to your success,


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3 Reasons Why Most Musicians Don’t Make It in the Music Industry

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: September 18, 2018

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The Music Industry, Microphone and stand

The other day, I had a lot on my plate. I woke up with a bit of anxiety wondering how I could do it all that day. As I sat there I felt more and more out of control and helpless. I decided to close my eyes and do what was counterintuitive to “getting it all done”- sit still and meditate.

Here’s what I got. I felt a sense of ease and grace and decided to let it all go and do my duties and tasks to the best of my abilities- no matter what the clock/time said. That’s it. I developed a new perspective and mindset and chose to see my day differently.

Guess what?

It all worked out- and way better than I could have ever imagined. Or did I imagine it that way when I meditated and changed my mindset? When I look back on my life and careers, the one thing that always sticks out for me is why some things in life worked out for me easier than others. It’s a pickle, I admit. I think I’ve figured out the answer. The number one reason why we don’t “make it” or achieve anything is because of our mindset. This applies to musicians just the same.

When we think that we are “no good” and our art and talent, as musicians, is not good enough, then that’s the level of success we can attain. I hear it often from musicians- whom I think are really good. They say to me, “there are so many of us out there competing” or “I’m just another face in the crowd” or “it’s such a tough industry to succeed in”.

Where do you think your mentality is going to get you? Not far- in music or elsewhere. That’s the truth.

Once that happens, it’s downhill from there. Every action you take, as an artist and musician, is based on your notions and fears around not succeeding and not being good enough. You start looking at other musicians as competition and waste time and energy comparing and contrasting in angst.

So what are the top 3 reasons why most musicians don’t make it in the music industry?

• Attitude and belief
• Attitude and belief
• Attitude and belief

All of which are followed by actions that prove them right every time.

What does this mean for you? Stop and consider:

• Being deeply honest with yourself, what is your REAL belief about your ability to succeed as a musician?

• Why? Who has told you what your value is as a musician and why do you choose to believe them, instead of believing in yourself?

• Why did you decide to become a musician? Always go back to this.

• What’s ONE thing you can do each day to prove to yourself that you are a good musician? Maybe keep a “wins” journal for yourself and write down all the big and small compliments you receive regarding your music and talent.

If you believe you have talent as a musician, then we do, too. I’m a big fan. You got this.

For more support, download this guide.


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Katy’s Journey Journal – Support and Your Brand

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: September 12, 2018

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Support and Your Brand, girl holding smiling balloon

My latest personal journey has been on the topic of being grateful for all the support I have in my life. What does this have to do with my brand and managing change? My brand flourishes when I’m happy- people emotionally resonate with me best when I am focused, grounded and happy. Being grateful for all the support in my life allows me to feel safe and grounded- and happy. That leads me to have a great brand. When I have a great brand and feel safe and supported in my life, I can manage any change that occurs. In fact, at that point, I can initiate new projects and changes with ease and grace.

So what’s the hard part then? The hard part is being self-aware and present enough to first notice all the support I have in my life. What does support necessarily look like? Support comes in all shapes and sizes, I have found.

Here’s a great example. My husband and I were traveling last week. We were connecting in Newark, New Jersey. We missed our connection by 5 minutes. We were literally stuck in Newark because all the other flights to our final destination were sold out. We had no prospect of getting to our final destination in any semblance of time.

Then it happened: we were told that the flight that we had missed, was coming back.


Seems that the flight we missed taxied to the end of the runway, where the pilot determined it had technical difficulties and turned the plane around and brought it back to the gate. So, all we had to do was wait for another plane and then we could board our original flight. We were only an hour and a half late to our final destination.

How could this be?! In all my years of regular monthly flights, I have NEVER heard of such a thing. You may be saying, what does this have to do with support? What kind of support was this and from whom? My answer: who cares. The point is that I was self-aware that this was like a miracle at that time for us. I was so grateful for this turn in events- call it support from the Universe, God, the airline, whatever!

What does this mean for you? Stop and consider:

– Where in your life are you feeling unsupported?

– How does this impact your brand: the way you see yourself and the way you come across to others?

– What is one simple behavior modification you can make to become more self-aware of all the support you have in your life daily- whether that is big or small? Maybe it is just the barista at your favorite coffee bar giving you a cup of coffee for free just because they like you?


Need more support on how to be supported and have a great brand and manage change well? Download my free guide below. Feel free to email me with your thoughts and observations. I’m a huge fan and I know you have this one!

For more support, download this guide.


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