Katy Goshtasbi, Author at Puris Consulting - Page 12 of 14
How to Get Signed to a Record Label: 3 Things to Know Before You Sign the Dotted Line

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: May 14, 2018

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I got into working with musicians on their brands because I love music.  I remember being at a concert and actually seeing the increased vibe and joy that came about as a result of the band and their music.  I could step back and not only hear it but feel it in my soul and in the atmosphere.  That’s when I knew that music was imperative to the world.  But how to get signed to a record label?

Later on in my second career I realized that musicians, much like all other professions, are not very good at the business end of their careers and selling themselves well.  Fast forward all these years and here we are today and I’m doing what I do to support musicians.

The question for many musicians is how to get signed to a record label. However, there’s a bigger question to think about first.

Here are 3 things to know before you sign to a record label:

  1. Do you want to sign to a record label?  For many of you reading this, my question may sound really stupid.  Who doesn’t want to get signed to a record label, you say?  Well, that’s the real question. To most musicians, signing to a record label may seem like the ultimate “win” and “success”.  However, have you ever really stopped to think about whether or not you want to sign to a record label?  What does it really mean to sign to a record label and who is it for?  Read on.
  2. How much control are you willing to give up? Are you the type of person that demands full control over your artistry and prose all the way from the type of music you create to what you wear to who is in your audience?  If so, you’ll want to think twice before signing to a label.  Oftentimes, the label’s job is to retain all control so that the end product is optimal.  You can’t really blame them, right?  After all, they are taking on most of the financial risk in signing you on as an artist.
  3. Study the trends and the economics of your music– what I’m talking about here is for you to know whether and how your genre and overall brand appeal will fit into a particular record label’s forecast and growth plan. Just like you, the artist, should have a growth plan, so should a record label. Are these two growth goals aligned to get both sides the highest and best results? Only by studying the trends and economics of your music will you be able to know your side and be in control of your destiny.

Got more questions? Feel free to email me and/or download my tips on growth and change planning for the optimal brand.

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Is Your Company In A Tailspin? Why Your Brand Communication Could Be the Problem.

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: May 7, 2018

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I was driving the other day and passed a billboard advertising for a company.  Not only did the words on the billboard not make any sense, the picture didn’t make any sense to me and neithIs Your Company In A Tailspin? Why Your Brand Communication Could Be the Problem.er did their “ask” (we call it “call to action” in the marketing world).  The only thing I remembered from the billboard was the company name, which made me remember the last interaction I had with one of their employees.  My interaction had not gone well. The employee had dropped the ball, in my opinion. Is this effective brand communication?

It happens all the time.  A company pays a ton of money to a public relations firm and starts communicating/marketing to us. The company figures if they beef up their communications, then they will have great visibility and a great outcome- more revenues. The results are usually anything less than stellar.


Companies confuse effective brand communication with launching random messages to the public. Communicating your company brand outwards without first focusing internally does not give you the results you want.

What am I talking about?  Stop and think: when was the last time anything sold well when the internal foundation of WHO was selling it was not stable?  The “WHO” is your employees!

Most companies want to ignore any issues that deal with employees because it seems too touchy feely, too complicated and too mushy.  The executives often tell me, what does our employees have to do with a bad quarter?  They often want to attribute it all to poor strategy or an operational glitch.  Maybe.  Nine times out of ten, I’ve found it is due to employees not having an effective brand.

Where should you start when developing an effective brand for your employees?

Start by taking an internal audit of how the employees are working together.  Here’s a list of what to survey and correct for EACH employee:

  • Does the employee feel a sense of pride and responsibility in their job?
  • Does the employee understand how they, in their job, fit into the overall brand purpose of your company?
  • Does the employee feel a sense of community and oneness with their colleagues and superiors?
  • Does the employee natural strengths and talents match up well to their job description?
  • Does the employee feel mired in process to the point of paralysis and ineffectiveness?

If you are unsure as to ANY of these answers, then I can promise you your brand communication to the outside world will NOT work. I can also promise you this is likely the very reason your company is in a tailspin.  It may not feel like your company is in a tailspin.  My hope is that it is not. However, employee issues outlined above creep up on management until it is too late to cure.  Lack of internal employee brand development does not allow for effective outward brand communication. In turn, growth is stunted.

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Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: April 9, 2018

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I fly regularly.  Most of my experiences on airplanes with other passengers are non-eventful.  However, most recently I was on a Southwest Airlines flight.  There was a middle seat open next to me during the boarding process.  At the very last minute, there was a tap on my shoulder and a woman motioned that she wanted to sit in that middle seat next to me. No words, just motioned.  I thought that was odd, but let it go.

As she climbed in, she put the arm rest between us up and mumbled something about, “I need this up for now”.  I didn’t say anything again.

As I came to sit down, I put the arm rest back down.  At this point she snapped at me and said that she still needed the arm rest up.  I was shocked and retorted back that she didn’t need to be so rude making her request.

In that moment, I wish I had used more kind words and not been so reactive to her way of being.  I could have said nothing or put myself in her position and shown compassion towards her by seeing her perspective more and saying something kinder.

In the Book of Joy, his holiness the Dalai Llama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu make this distinction.  Specifically, in the book, the Dalai Llama comments that there is freedom in responding instead of reacting.

I froze in my shoes when I read that statement.  It really hit me in a very deep place.  It was in that moment that I realized that I do truly have a choice to respond instead of react.  But how is that choice freeing?

You may be thinking that reacting is a response.  I would agree.  However, if you stop and really ponder what he meant by that statement, you will see it is much wiser than it appears to be on first blush.

In brand development and growth, perception is reality.  We perceive your brand as you choose to set out your brand to us, the world at large.  Each moment, we have a choice of how we dictate perception of our brand.  If we stop and choose to respond, instead of reacting to a trigger set into motion by another, ie, a snippy passenger on an airplane, then the result is that OUR brand stays intact and doesn’t suffer.

There is real freedom in choosing to deliberately choose our response.  Maybe it is predicated by 3 deep breaths or a pause- whatever it takes to put you back into self-awareness and the drivers seat to be making a choice and freeing yourself from the negative results that come from just reacting.

Nothing good comes from reacting.  Everything good, including freedom, comes from responding.

What does this mean for you?  Stop and consider:

  • How often are you self-aware of your responses to life?
  • How often are you triggered to react? Does it feel good?
  • How do others view you when you react versus when you choose to be free and respond?
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Managing Growth and Change by Managing Diversity and MultiGenerational Issues at Work

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: April 3, 2018

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In any organization, law firm, government entity or non-profit, growth should be the number one goal. Otherwise, why would your entity exist? If you are not growing, then you are stagnating and your brand is becoming washed up, irrelevant and unrecognizable to those you want to serve.

The real issue then becomes leading (instead of managing) change and transformation. Why? Without change and transformation there is no growth. With it, your entity can grow by utilizing your diverse employee pool and having multiple generations work well together to sustain this growth in a healthy way.

I remember all my years as a lawyer in corporate America. Every organization I worked for, including the federal government, was a fan of growth and wanted it. Not many wanted to deal with any change that leads to this growth. It was too much and too hard. We are creatures of comfort and habit. It helps to keep our anxiety in check and our fears at bay.

I know this too well. In the span of two months, my entire company brand got an overhaul AND we moved our home. There is so much change around me, it’s overwhelming for sure. Some days, I miss the way things were- they were easy and predictable. And that’s coming from me, the change expert.

So what’s an organization to do? The solution is simple, and not always easy.

It’s a change in mindset that has to happen and that’s all that’s needed- will your organization’s leadership be willing to envision growth and change and embrace them both AND do the legwork necessary to harness employees well to achieve that growth.

If your organization is not willing to choose a new perspective and choose to see things differently, then there is no growth possible. That also means that there’s no way that diversity and multigenerational employees are well utilized.
If you can’t start by seeing things differently, then odds are that your organization will also never see the value of diverse and multigenerational employees. Different is different and change is change. If you can’t embrace change, then you can’t embrace differences in your employee pool either.

I look at an organization I just hired to do a major chunk of work for our company. This organization had a very specific speciality, which is why we hired them. However, I was very clear in letting them know that we were a bit different than other organizations they had worked with and were they ok with that. They all said yes, but from the process, I could tell they were very myopic and doing things the same old way, even though I was a different client. How did I know? Because every time we hit a challenge, they would say, “We don’t know how to proceed. Our other clients never had this issue.” Of course, your other clients didn’t have this issue, because we are different. So are you willing to choose to see things differently and do it different- really, do you want more clients like me or not?

What does this mean for you and your organization? Stop and ask yourself:

-How flexible is your organization around change?
-Do you have an intentional and measurable growth plan that fully evaluates ALL your employees for their strengths?

Call or email with any questions you may have. Also feel free to download my guide on change and growth.

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Katy G TV – Episode 2

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: March 28, 2018

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What’s your biggest challenge when it comes to your dream personal brand?

Email or call me and let’s connect and brainstorm:

Want to kickstart your ideal and authentic brand-easily and for free:


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Katy G TV – Episode 1

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: January 25, 2018

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What’s your biggest challenge when it comes to your dream personal brand?

Email or call me and let’s connect and brainstorm:

Want to kickstart your ideal and authentic brand-easily and for free:


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Great Brands In Action Series: Tom Jackson Interview

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: July 21, 2017

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I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Tom Jackson, renowned live music producer, in Nashville.

I wanted to interview Tom for several reasons. Of course, I wanted to spend some time with him, and learn from such a successful and well-rounded entrepreneur, but primarily, I wanted to bring Tom’s wisdom to my audience of artists and musicians. However, I believe Tom serves as an example of a successful personal brand in action for all my clients, regardless of career.

In brand development, likeability is critically important. Almost 80% of everything we buy —78% to be exact — including buying services from people, is not based on what they do, i.e., “content,” but on how we feel about that specific person. In other words, if we like you.

Tom has been the expert for over 25 years on how to create successful live music shows for artists and bands. He has worked with famous artists such as Taylor Swift.

Tom was born in New York and grew up in San Diego. He says he had a very “normal” childhood.

On first impression and follow up, Tom is very personable. There’s something about him people like. I set out to find out how he does it — so we can all learn from this great brand in action.

I asked Tom if he’d always been like this — even as a child — or if he learned something along the way that helped him prepare for his great career and being so likeable. His answer spoke volumes about how he is a great brand. Here are what great brands possess and do, and how Tom serves as a perfect example:

Great brand are happy. If we truly “buy” from a place of how you make us feel, there’s only one emotion that sells and that’s happiness. Every great brand must authentically “be” happy at some level to emotionally resonate and sell happiness to its audience. As a person, Tom says he still feels like he did in his early 20s. He attributes this partly to the work he does with young people. His young clients keep him on his toes. Does feeling young necessarily mean feeling happy? I’d say so, because it’s a good indicator of overall satisfaction with your career and life.

Great brands are humble. Spend five minutes with Tom and you can see how humble he really is. For instance, I asked Tom who influenced him and helped him along the way. His first answer was his faith/Jesus and his wife.

Tom’s second answer was his band mates. As he explained, he and his band were true musicians — playing 12-minute pieces. Tom professes he fell in love with music then and realized it can’t be put in a box. The band taught him how musical arrangements work — that they must be different for radio than live shows because people listen to radio in a very different headspace, especially when they’re driving. This headspace is not the same as when people listen to commercial and sitcom arrangements.

Great brands are relatable. They understand their target audience’s/client’s reality and adapt and empathize. While Tom admits he can’t totally relate to a 14-year-old artist client, he has the tools, it seems, to adapt and put himself in every client’s shoes — regardless of any differences, including age. Why and how? This brings us to the next attribute of great brands.

Great brands use their natural strengths and innate abilities well. According to Tom, no one else in his family did what he does for a living. So there really is nothing that got passed down to him and he likely isn’t emulating anyone in his family. However, you spend five minutes with him and you can see what he does is primarily a flow of his natural strengths and innate abilities.

How Tom started his business explains so much. Early in his career, he played music a lot until he got tired of playing and traveling. Ironically, he now travels over 150 days a year. However, just like any other brand that is living its purpose — using its natural strength — this travel doesn’t tire him out the way traveling and playing with the band used to do.

Along the way, Tom found out he was a better live music producer than bass player simply by doing it. He realized he could take a big picture and make it better — he could take a song and make it better musically. That’s an innate gift.

Tom says 25 years ago, he intuitively “knew” something was wrong with people’s live shows. He also knew this because he played a lot of live shows himself with his band. When he first started consulting on live shows, he would watch the artist. He would then see that something broke the emotional connection between the artist and the audience — and would figure out what caused it: was it verbal, visual, musical? Next, he would simply set out and fix it.

Tom claims to use a combination of his intuition and a set formula he applies to everyone to work with clients. The interaction with each person is what makes the process unique.

Tom claims he’s been fixing conceptually the same song/ballad for 25 years. Part of it is innate, and part of it is that he’s been doing it so long that he’s an expert based on experience and can now fix a song fast.

Tom has a method; in fact, his book is called, Tom Jackson’s Live Music Method. He looks for themes and the artist’s personality in every song. As in any industry where everyone wants to be an original by fitting in, Tom works to find who the real artist is on stage and make them relatable to people.

The key is that the song cannot be in control. Tom fixes this problem as part of his formula. The innate part, as discussed above, is that Tom knows there’s something that needs to be fixed. He then uses his formula/method to fix it.

Great brands are courageous. Every person is a bit different. Tom and I agree that overcoming fear is the biggest challenge any client has (fear of looking silly, taking a risk, etc.). Smart risk is different (winging it versus taking a risk from a safe situation, i.e., not trying something new the first time you are opening for Taylor Swift).

I find many artists are introverts and thus have a fear of the stage and being live with their audiences. So, they often just want to share their gift via recordings. This is also true of my non-artist clients, who would rather work and network from behind their computer. However, as I coach my clients, this method won’t work. You are missing the human connection, which is critical in brand development.

I work with artists on the back-end to remove their walls so when Tom works with them afterward, they are prepped and ready to take Tom’s advice and truly captivate the audience and connect. This is emotional resonance — artists are genuine and still well-rehearsed.

Every artist and client we work with has talent. It’s just sometimes we all forget the better version of “me” sells in anything in life. This requires removing our egos from the picture — and releasing our egos requires letting go of fear.

You must be willing to choose to see things differently. Ironically, ego gets in the way here, as Tom and I have seen. As with everything in brand development, we are dealing with the subconscious processing of information. As Tom puts it, it’s subliminal — every artist wants to think, “how couldn’t it (the live show) be good; it’s me?” While this is ego talking, it’s not from a place of courage, but rather fear.

How do Tom and I deal with this fact for our clients? Frankly, the only answer is giving permission to clients to sit in discomfort (and fear). As Tom says, “when I’m hired, I know I’ll make them uncomfortable, but I come prepared with the new song version so creativity and spirit can flow through the room. Then my ultimate job is managing that flow of spirit.”

Great brands have self-awareness and intentionality. In brand development, the key is being intentional and that requires self-awareness around perception and reality. Everyone should always be asking, how is this landing on my audience?

According to Tom, he doesn’t necessarily do anything intentionally to be likeable. However, he always prepares mentally, physically and spiritually to go on stage. Tom says he teaches with that same level of intention. This intention is based on his level of self-awareness of who he is and why he does what he does.

As Tom humbly proclaims, this is not just innate, but also a combination of all his experiences of sitting in the audience so many times. However, he does it intentionally by stopping and seeing what the audience sees.

Great brands are adaptable and always strive to strike a harmonious balance. In all interactions with an audience and clients, there must be some order as well as some off-the-cuff adaptation based on the audiences’ personality and its in-the-moment needs and wants. We like rules to follow because it makes us feel better. On the other hand, total randomness doesn’t land well on any the audience or client. As Tom says, you can’t be so sterile that you leave no room for new ways of thinking. But this must be harmonized with spontaneity.

Tom believes great art and a successful live show are a combination of form and spontaneity.  Spontaneity is not winging it, though. Artists get this notion confused often as do most of my clients, whether artists or professionals. However, there is a consistent thing Tom does with all artists to bring out their spontaneity. For Tom, genre is irrelevant. Tom tells all his artists there are rules in life. These rules apply in all areas of life and artists must make it work within limits. No artist can just go on stage and not put any songs together and just do a show; that’s really winging it, but it doesn’t work because artists, like everyone else, need form. He leaves space for spontaneity. But people overrate the space for spontaneity, he claims. As Tom says, just like most of us can’t just get in a car and randomly drive, every artist thinks they are more spontaneous than they really are.

Great brands are curious. Curious brands win. Stagnation is the best way to not only become irrelevant in the eyes of your target audience, but also the surest way to become forgettable and boring to your audience. According to Tom, he wants to know more about life and peel back the onion. Tom says he’s still discovering “stuff” all around him. Curiosity drives him to the point he wishes he had more time to be curious.

Great brands have empathy and compassion. To be a great brand, you must be able to emotionally resonate with your audience. To emotionally resonate, you must have empathy and compassion for yourself and others by being willing to see the world from another’s perspective.

Playing those live shows early in his career with his band helped Tom harness his empathy and compassion. Often this happened by studying the audience. For example, Tom relays the story of the time their drummer had to play with a broken arm. Tom says he noticed how much empathy the audience had for the drummer playing with one arm in a sling.

Tom says artists don’t choose to see the show from the audiences’ perspective often enough. For instance, the audiences’ adrenaline is not pumping like the artist’s is on stage. So naturally, the audience doesn’t see and feel the show the way the artist feels it on stage. To be successful, the artist must include the audience as his partner in the show.

Tom’s ability to read people and see their point of view allows him also to have this understanding of the audiences’ emotions. In this way, he can coach his clients how best to connect emotionally with their audience.

Great brands prioritize themselves and maintain internal control of their environment. It’s almost impossible to build a following and loyal audience or client base, when we are falling apart and don’t care much about ourselves or feel in control of our own lives and destiny. People can sense this and flee from us. Although Tom wishes he had more time to himself, here’s how he does it.

For Tom, the most important time is the morning. He has a slow start morning like I prescribe to all my clients. He gets up and jumps into a closet where he reads the Bible, listens to his inner voice (i.e., meditates), speaks, and groans. This ritual, which unfortunately doesn’t happen every day due to his travel schedule, takes anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour. In the evenings, Tom puts on his favorite music and relaxes with a glass of wine. Tom doesn’t watch much TV, but prefers to think and be entertained otherwise. He chooses what influences him and his environment and uses it to intentionally create what he wants in his life. That’s what a great brand does.

Great brands persevere with patience because they know their passion and purpose in life and have faith. This notion does not allow for living in fear. I asked Tom how he found the patience to keep going and growing the business and what motivates him to keep persevering.  Very simply put, he loves music. Tom claims he didn’t really have a Plan B if this business failed.

Oddly enough, I never had a Plan B when I retired from the practice of law and started this business a decade ago. Tom and I both agree that more often than not, a Plan B doesn’t work. Why? Most people we both know who had a Plan B revert to it when their real plan gets tough. What kept Tom (and me) going? As Tom says, he did have some great breaks that helped him along the way. However, his faith kept him going. I sincerely believe if you do what you feel you are aligned with, you keep going and persist. You don’t feel like a fraud; you feel authentic and real. For example, I don’t offer insincere advice to my clients because I genuinely believe in my advice to them.

You don’t need a Plan B if you do what is your natural talent and persist.

Of course, keep in mind, branding is a marathon and not a sprint. Everything takes time and patience. As Tom says, his career didn’t grow overnight. Back when he started, he used to charge $25 for a four-hour consultation and he worked much slower, of course.

Great brands have fun. Having fun establishes the emotional connection of your brand because you are automatically more likeable when you are having fun. This is true despite your occupation or the musical genre you play. Enjoying what you do sells it.

As Tom claims, over the years he has spent a lot of time on the content and can naturally deliver from the stage. He does so without fear and while having fun with his artists.

Great brands are confident. As my formal, documented research[1] has shown, there is a direct, inverse correlation between our stress and our self-confidence. As our stress naturally increases, our self-confidence will decrease proportionally. This is true even for the most self-confident person. Enjoying what you do sells it. As Tom and I realize, every one of us could have high self-confidence.

While I believe the stress trigger is critical to confidence development, Tom says confidence comes from preparation. He says that then, and only then, can authority manifest. In other words, once you have confidence, you get to be the authority by being humble and accepting the role you have been called to do.

Great brands take responsibility. Tom always asks his lead singers: “what role are you called to do and will you accept that responsibility?” If they won’t accept the responsibility, Tom claims that’s false humility, which is accompanied with false authority to affect an audience.

Tom and I believe we are each here to fulfill the role we’ve been called to do. As Tom puts it, it’s not enough to “let your music speak for itself” and not learn verbal and stage skills. That’s a mistake.

This notion transcends music.

Each of us must take responsibility for the good, the bad and the ugly. I always tell my clients that if you are signing up for something, it is your responsibility to make a difference for your audience and teach them something. You can be grateful for the audience/opportunity, but now what do you do to make their life better?


Every one of us is capable of having a great brand and resonating emotionally well with our respective audiences. There are certain attributes all great brands share and Tom Jackson is a perfect example of them all. This doesn’t apply to just artists and musicians, but everyone.  As Tom Jackson shows, it takes intentional devotion and drive.

[1] The Impact of Stress And Self-Confidence On Your Brand, Katy Goshtasbi, JD. Updated April 2017.

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Top 3 Branding Tips For Introverts

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: October 31, 2016

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So many of us are self-proclaimed “introverts”. I have no judgments on introverts or extroverts. I think both works well in society. Yet, I put “introverts” in quotes because I often feel that once we are labeled as such, or self-label, then things become final and we don’t want, or worse yet, believe we can change if we want to change some aspect of our being that we attribute to being an introvert.

I watch so many of my clients go through this cycle. It pains them to feel trapped in a box and it pains me to watch them struggle with it so much. My goal is for clients to either be fine with who they are as introverts, or choose to see things differently for themselves (change some things?) and be fine with who they are.

Here’s some tips that I find works with my clients:

  1. Thin out the wall between your personal and business life- Many introverts are very private. I respect that. However, private often is perceived as “quiet”, which can mean that we see you as shy but we really infer you are emotionally disconnected. Either way, it means you are not relating to your audience and emotionally connecting with us.

Being quiet is fine at the right time. It’s ok to be a private person. Yet, when we know very little about you, perhaps you are “quiet” for us in a negative way.

Perhaps consider dropping the wall (or maybe just slim down the wall) between your personal and business life. Let us in a bit- tell us more about your life- family, growing up, etc. You are still in control, but sharing more of you.

  1. Smile more- otherwise we may think you are snooty, when the truth is that you are not. When in doubt about how to be, just smile.
  2. Know your limits and be courageous- if you are uncomfortable at an event, know when the time comes for you to leave (because the lights and noise and small talk are just too much to take). Yet, have harmony with also being courageous enough to hit up against your comfort zone and try new things- small steps are fine.

If you found this helpful, please share it with others.  I’d love to hear your feedback. Just email me.

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Setting Our Own Brand Value and Self Worth

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: October 10, 2016

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Just the other day I was on an airplane again. I fly all the time. On every flight I find myself caring too much about what the other passengers think of me. How do I do it? Well, it shows up in every aspect of my “being”- from what I eat and drink on the flight to what I read or write on the plane.

It’s just crazy, right? And don’t judge me- you know you do it, too. You just don’t want to admit it because you don’t want us to value you less.

Some times I think I spend more time thinking about this stuff than about myself and how I feel when I’m on the plane. And this is from someone who develops other peoples’ brands for a living. I’m fully self-aware and know the impact of us not setting our own self-worth and value.

Do you ever wonder why we all care so much about what others think about us?

It can’t be self-preservation. Frankly, all the energy I expend on making sure I look “good” to others on the plane is just exhausting. It does nothing to make me feel better to try so hard. If anything, it is “anti” self-preservation.

It also can’t be because I really care about what others think of me. I’m likely never going to see any of those people again once I step off the plane.

Yet, I fall for ego’s trick, too—even on airplanes with people I have never met and will never meet again.

So the real inquiry is why do we allow others to set our value for us? Why is it that we can’t have a high enough self-worth that it doesn’t really matter what others think of us?

Why do we allow others to set our self-worth and set our value?

The real reason is that we are so afraid to look deep inside because we may discover that we are loveable and great. If we look inside, we may find ourselves worthy of love- our own love and that of others. If we did, then what anyone else thinks of us would not matter- we would get to set our own value and worth.  That’s very liberating, not to mention not so exhausting. That’s also an attractive brand.

What does this mean for you? Stop and consider:

  • How often do you allow what others think of you to matter more than what you want to think of yourself? Be honest with yourself.
  • Why do you do it?
  • Where is one place in your life experience and activities that you could allow yourself to be “free” and set your own value/worth and brand?
  • What if you just didn’t care what others thought of you- that includes your friends, family, colleagues and strangers? I guarantee you that you would be happier AND more productive. You would have a stronger sense of self, making you more attractive to others.

Was this helpful? If so, please share the blog and help others, too.  

Got questions? Feel free to email me directly: katy (at) purispersonalbranding.com

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Brand Booster: “Allow” Instead of “Force”, “Achieve” or “Earn”

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: August 22, 2016

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Just the other day I was forcing an issue with my husband. We were at a restaurant ordering lunch. Being a typical woman, I wanted him to “share” a burger and a salad with me instead of us both ordering a burger. It’s my attempt to be healthier and still eat what I love (a burger!). I kept suggesting it to my husband…. Over and over again. I wanted him to do what I wanted him to do. Free will was lost. So, he pushed back and we both got burgers.

Sound familiar? It should. Stuff like this happens so often.

What if I had just stopped and chosen to see the situation differently? Instead of “suggesting/forcing” my views on my husband, what if I had “allowed” the situation to be and allowed whatever was going to happen, to happen?

I guarantee you the end result would have been different.

Maybe we still would have ended up ordering burgers, but I wouldn’t have let myself down and expended so much negative energy pushing and shoving my will on my husband. I could have been happier in that moment.

Successful brands don’t force anything – on themselves or on others.

Anytime we force anything, we have active resistance around anything in our lives,. Then there is tension. Tension even shows up when we are “achieving” or “earning”.  

Tension amps up our stress. Our stress amps up other peoples’ stress. Then people don’t want to be around us anymore, much less hire us, buy from us, promote us, date us. You name it. The game is over.

Instead, successful brands recognize that allowing life to happen sets everyone up for more success. Allowing life to happen, allows us to “be” with ease and grace. Ease and grace is the only way to let your brand shine and get us to stop, notice you and gravitate naturally to you.

What does this mean for you? Stop and consider:

  • How often do you force your way and will in life? Next time, stop and have self-awareness: is it really working for you? Be honest with yourself.
  • What if you stopped trying to “achieve” or “earn” and just “allowed”, instead?
  • What would your life be like if you just “allowed” yourself and others to be? Where can you make subtle adjustments to allow more and force less?

Call or email me to discuss this strategy in your brand and life.


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