Katy Goshtasbi, Author at Puris Consulting - Page 10 of 14
The Importance of Understanding Your Audience for Stronger Communication

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: September 4, 2018

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Understanding Your Audience, People holding up message signs

When I first started my second career a decade ago, it was because it was so important to me to be of service to professionals. In fact, it was so important for me to be of service, that I refused to discriminate and identify a target audience for myself. I wasn’t focused on the importance of understanding my audience, so I didn’t have strong communication with them.

I wanted to help everyone and anyone! It wasn’t so much that I was desperate for business and/or money, I just wanted to go out there and do good. Pretty noble of me, right? Well, yes and no. While it was noble of me to want to help others and thereby not develop a target audience, in the end it hurt more than it helped.


If you don’t have a target audience, then how can you identify who you want to communicate with? If you don’t understand your audience, then how can you communicate well with them? Case in point. Every dentist that I ask the question, who is their target audience, always gives me the same (bad) answer. Every dentist claims that their target audience are “people with teeth.” How wonderful, right? The world is their oyster and their potential patient pool is unlimited. Wrong. No dentist, no matter how successful or profitable, has enough marketing money and time to spend on a target audience identified as “people with teeth”. How can they? That audience is too broad. It’s almost overwhelming just thinking about it.

Let’s take a different perspective on dentistry and a possible target audience. What if we identified their target audience as military families, for instance. Presumably, the dentist already has a connection and understanding to military families, hence why the dentist chose this audience. Even so, more knowledge is necessary. The next step in brand development is to go out there and learn all about military families. The dentist must learn about what brings them pain, what they have in common with the dentists’ own brand and story and most importantly, what this emotional connection means to them when they seek out dental care.Is the dentist done now? No. Only now is the dentist able to communicate in a strong manner with the target military audience. Now the dentist knows the military audiences’ needs and wants.

The dentist and the military audience have a much stronger chance of connecting on common points when the dentist communicates with the military audience by bringing up their needs and wants and pain points. The dentist can now legitimately position the dental brand as the solution for this military audience.

What does this mean for you? Stop and consider:

– When was the last time you thought about who you serve and how you serve them? This applies to you even if you are an employee in a small or large organization.

– Do you truly know and understand your target audience? If not, why not?

– Have you stopped to research and really get to know your target audience? What do they have in common with you and your own personal brand?

For more support on how you can communicate your brand to a target audience that suits your purposes and goals, please download this guide.


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3 Tips on How to Make Employees Feel Valued and Want to Work Harder

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: August 27, 2018

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How to Make Employees Feel Valued

I remember the days when I was in my last legal job in-house at a large company. It was all so painful. My boss used to like to lead through intimidation and fear. And yes, my boss did this to everyone- even me, a person who had been practicing law at that point for almost a decade. Talk about not making employees feel valued.

I recall when she first hired me. She closed the door to her office and pointed out that I was not allowed to work from home. Ever. I remember thinking to myself, “I live across the street from the office. Why would I want to work from home?” Later, I found out that she liked to “work” from home regularly, which meant she was getting manicures and massages. No wonder she assumed the worst of me.

This way of leading didn’t stop with me. She treated everyone who reported to me (and thus, reported to her) the same way, too. We were a bunch of unhappy employees. As I look back upon my experiences at that job, I see all the things that could have been done differently, but wasn’t. Here are just three things to do to make employees feel valued. When we feel valued as employees, then we will naturally want to work harder for you.

1. We are human! Treat us that way – If ever there was an easy way to make employees feel valued, it’s to treat all of us like humans. Seems simple enough, right? Simple is not always easy. I have so many C-level clients who have tons of trouble stopping and seeing their employees as humans. Why? We are all busy and on the run. Plus, we don’t make allowances for people to learn and grow and err- which is all human. I promise you, once you stop and make time to see everyone as human, the world will change, as will your employee productivity.

2. Slow down – No one knows better than me what a fast pace we have to keep in corporate America these days. I also see this pace fail everyday to advance the corporate mission. Even if you slow down a tenth of your current pace, I guarantee a better version of yourself will materialize. In this way, you can be seen by your employees as a well-put together leader who values them enough to see them.

3. Build in appreciation time – when no one knows they are appreciated and doing work well, how can they be better at their job? I recommend to all my clients that they build in a regular and structured form of appreciation time for their employees. This is the time and place where employees are encouraged to thank one another for anything and everything- big or small. It allows other employees to be seen and heard. Plus, the act of showing gratitude raises everyone’s’ mood and drive to keep doing well.


So stop and consider:

How often do you stop and see your staff as humans and support them to succeed, while acknowledging with kindness their weaknesses?

What kind of pace are you keeping at work? Is it serving you well? How do you know?

What ways do you have to appreciate your staff and allow them to appreciate each other?

Often times, the simplest actions are the hardest. So while my tips above may seem easy, finding the right way of implementing the tips can be hard. I’m always here to support you.

For more support, download this guide.


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Katy G TV – Episode 6

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: August 23, 2018

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Personal Branding, Katy G.

What’s your biggest challenge when it comes to your dream personal brand?

Email or call me and let’s connect and brainstorm:

Want to kickstart your ideal and authentic brand-easily and for free:


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How to Create a Successful Brand as an Up and Coming Musician

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: August 21, 2018

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How to Create a Successful Brand, Two musicians

For an entire year, I interviewed up and coming musicians of all kinds. The range of artists was wide and varied from unknown bands in Austin, to jazz artists, to concert pianists, to symphony musicians. My interviews helped me to understand how best to support up and coming musicians to create a successful brand.

I was in search of understanding a few things. One, I wanted to know why they did what they did. Two, I wanted to know HOW they did what they did. Finally, I wanted to know what their plans were for the future of their art and talent.

Here’s what I found. I wish my findings had surprised me and that I had learned something different.

I found out that about 85% of the artists I interviewed with had no real plan or vision for their future. While most knew very clearly WHY they did what they did and even HOW they went about with their vision as an artist, only about 15% had a plan and a goal they were shooting for.

What’s the problem with this finding?

I’ll answer you with another question! How do you get somewhere if you don’t know where you are going? Put a different way, as an artist how are you supposed to know what to do with your days and hours if you don’t have a plan based on a vision you have for your future?

From my own life experiences, I’ve found the only (and most powerful) way to get to my dreams and life purpose is to sit down and envision what the end result will look like.

Sounds simple, right? Yes, it does. However, simple is not always easy because we have to take the time to prioritize sitting down to and “seeing” in our minds’ eye the end result.

TIP: The end result rarely involves visions of money raining down on us. It does, however, involve visions of us performing, as musicians, in a healthy and happy way and connecting with our audience. It also involves truly seeing the future we want to see- before we get to that future.

This is the first, and most important foundational, step to creating a successful brand as an up and coming musician- see it first in your mind’s eye, write it down and then make it happen.

Am I making sense?

So what does this mean for you? Stop and consider:

  1. Do you have a vision of your life and future as a successful musician?
  2. If so, are you looking at that vision DAILY and taking the necessary steps to get there? This may include enlisting support and professional consulting and small course corrections.
  3. If you don’t have a vision, why not?
  4. If not, take 1 hour and go sit outdoors.

    1. Take your laptop and a blank Word document.
    2. Start typing stream of consciousness what you want your future to look like. Be detailed. Include as many details as you can. These details can include such subtle points like what you are wearing on what day and what the air temperature is when you are performing. The more details, the better.

Sound do-able? This is the first and main step that lays the foundation for your future success. It’s worth an hour of your life and time. Once you start writing, you may find you can’t stop. Keep going. The future is yours. You are in control. You owe that to yourself and your art.

I’m here to support you along the way. Call or email me anytime. Also, download this guide as your support tool.

Download this guide to get you started.


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Here’s to your brand success as a musician,


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Want to Increase Profits? 3 Ways to Increase Employee Productivity Today

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: August 14, 2018

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EMPLOYEE PRODUCTIVITY, staff shaking hands

I remember when I was a practicing lawyer in corporate America. It seems we were always talking about increasing profits. And we were never talking about the employees that were responsible for increasing those very same profits. Increasing employee productivity rarely crossed our minds, as a solution.


Fast forward 15 years and a second career and now I know the answer very clearly because I’ve heard many clients say so. No one wants to deal with the touchy feel stuff associated with making employees better and more productive. It’s much easier to keep focusing on left-brained linear, non-mushy metrics such as strategic plans and operating issues. The only way to increase profits regularly and grow your corporate brand is to focus and increase employee productivity. End of story.

Here are three simple ways to do so:

Natural Strengths – spend time developing each employee’s natural strengths and talents. This will take time and money and a good consultant. The results will pay for themselves 100-fold. I promise. When you have employees understand what they are good at doing and apply it to their roles in your organization, morale goes up and so must productivity.

Communications – oftentimes within organizations the communications is less than stellar. I find that everyone comes from a very passive stance. When people don’t communicate well, anger and hostility fester and grow and impact profits because employee morale drops. You must stop and objectively assess: a) how is your communication working out for your company? b) what can you fix? c) who do you hire to do so? This is definitely not something that can get fixed by your HR department. You need experts.

Rewards, Rewards, Rewards – make sure there is a group incentive program for people doing good- period. I’m not talking about bonuses, per se. I’m talking about putting in place measures for employees to be able to praise one another in the open– in groups. This allows for employees to connect with one another and support one another. Morale goes up, productivity goes up, profits go up. I promise.

All of this is simple, and not easy necessarily. I understand and I’m your biggest fan. Choose to see a new perspective by choosing to see things differently. I promise you can’t fail.

Download this guide to get you started.


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Need more support or ideas? Call or email. I’m happy to support you.

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How to Boost Self-Confidence and Find Value In Yourself

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: August 7, 2018

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How to Boost Self-Confidence and Find Value In Yourself

There are days when I just don’t want to talk to people that much. Sometimes my hormones get the best of me and things people say just offend me and make me feel unloved and upset. Below is my approach on how to boost self-confidence and thus, how I find value in myself. When I have my low moments of self-confidence- and there are many- there is something very important to stop and look at for myself.

First, what is my trigger?

It is always stress. A decade ago I did formal research into the impact of stress and self-confidence. All my research is documented. Here’s the gist of it: As my formal research shows, there’s a direct, inverse, correlation between our stress and our self-confidence. As stress goes up, and it does even for the most self-confident person, our self-confidence starts to proportionally drop. Here’s a link to my formal research summary.
Why? Stress triggers our body to respond and our mind and behavior to follow suite. What’s the result? Our brand value diminishes which really means we don’t emotionally resonate anymore with our audience- whether that’s a prospective client, a date, our partner, our family, our colleagues or boss. You name it- it’s not working for us. We are not as likeable as we could be.

Second, how do I know about my trigger and my response? That’s all about self-awareness.

If I’m not self-aware enough to stop and realize that I’m upset and offended by others and thus, feeling stress and low in self-confidence, then how can I ever fix it? I’m constantly monitoring my physical body for signs of stress, followed by what comes out of my mouth (ie, my verbal communication) and my mind for indications that I’m low in self-confidence and in need of regrouping- or taking a time-out to fix myself. This is all about driving behavior! Only then can I find value in myself. It took me a long time to realize (and it is a daily practice even today) that no one sets my value and worth- that’s all me. It only comes from me accepting and loving myself every day. Only then will others accept my brand and love my brand. This may sound simple- and it is. However, it’s not so easy.

So what are steps you can take to practice for yourself and build a stellar brand that works for you? Stop and consider:

  • How often and how much stress do you have in your life?
  • What are you doing about it? Why or why not?
  • Where does your stress manifest in your body? Just know in those moments that your self-confidence is lower, too, and that you are not emotionally resonating a brand that sells you to your audience.
  • How self-aware are you as you go throughout your day?
  • If you are not very self-aware, what’s one thing you can do every day to stay self-aware? Maybe it’s as easy as setting a post-it note up in front of you to remind yourself to be self-aware? I have so many post-it notes, that I often chuckle. But they work for me!!

The most important thing I want you to remember is that change is necessary and not often fun. Doing what we’ve always done definitely always feels safer. However, it doesn’t get us results and we don’t grow. So be brave and take small steps to grow as a person. I promise you that you won’t regret it. I’m here to support you. Just tell me how and we’ll get you on your way.

Want more tips and support? Download my free Branding Made Easy Guide here.


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Daily Inspiration: Mahatma Gandhi

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: July 30, 2018

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Mahatma Gandhi, Daily Inspiration

I love this quote by Gandhi. I think it really speaks to the essence of humans as choosing in each moment to think and act with kindness or not. When we step back and see how many choose to misdirect their self-hate and lack of self-worth onto animals, it clarifies so much in society.

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”

Mahatma Gandhi

To me, it signals that people are in pain and have no outlet so they choose to hurt animals. Hurt people, hurt people. Animals are the first step on the ladder to hurting other people. It saddens me when this happens. To me, animals symbolize patience, joy, presence, and forgiveness.

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Business Growth Strategies: How to Maintain Balance When Business Is Booming

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: July 24, 2018

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Business Growth Strategies

When business is bad, business is bad. However, when business is good then it seems we, as business owners and those in leadership, have a possible whole new set of issues with which to deal. When it rains, it pours. I’m even guilty of this, just like the rest of us.

What often happens?

Here’s how I see it. We all spend so much time and effort in generating business and laying the foundation of growth. As a result though, what happens is that we don’t stay in balance with the rest of the big growth picture.
See if any of this has happened to you or others on your team. You grow, but:

  1. You don’t have enough, or the right, staff to service this new demand.

  2. Everyone is exhausted and burning the candle on both ends because you haven’t allocated resources and strengths well amongst your staff.

  3. Your focus becomes so much on the current cause of growth (ie, the new clients) that you don’t go out there and keep the pipeline full. As a result, business has the potential of grinding to a halt if the current clients go away.


So what’s the solution?

Easy. The first thing to do is to look at “balance” as a sort of “harmony”. Life ebbs and flows. If you don’t ebb and flow, things get complicated and painful at some point. Stay flexible, roll with it and see growth as just a phase. This means also stopping to plan out the future growth strategy FOR THE LONG TERM, like at least 5 years. Long term vision building is a gift and a must. If you don’t do this, you can’t ebb and flow. Most folks can’t do this alone, so hire a consultant because we are neutral and can see the forest from the trees. It’s our job to do so and help you implement it all.
This same rule applies to your staff and colleagues. You must step back and always be evaluating growth and bandwidth from their perspective. This means also communicating well with everyone in your organization- even if that communication is merely to say, “what are we doing here?”.
Need more tips and support? Download my guide here.

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Katy G TV – Episode 5

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: July 20, 2018

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What’s your biggest challenge when it comes to your dream personal brand?

Email or call me and let’s connect and brainstorm:

Want to kickstart your ideal and authentic brand-easily and for free:


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Tailoring Your Natural Talents for Success as a Music Artist

Written by Katy Goshtasbi

Posted on: July 18, 2018

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success as a music artist, girl playing guitar

I’m always talking about, and teaching the concepts of, natural talent and natural strengths. Natural talent is not necessarily related to your career, whether you are a music artist, lawyer, doctor or engineer. It’s beyond your career and more about WHO you are as a person.
For some reason, music artists often don’t think this concept applies to them because they say their natural talent is music. I agree in part and in part I don’t agree based on what I said above. However, your natural talent has to be tailored for success as a music artist.


While everyone has a natural strength and talent, the way to maximize the value of your natural talent is to tailor it to your brand as a music artist. That way, there is clarity and consistency in your brand. Most importantly, people can tell you are naturally talented in a targeted area. They will gravitate to your natural talent even more so, as a result. They can tell you are really good at what you do. They can also tell you really enjoy your art. These two facts will emotionally resonate with your audience and guarantee a natural and continued following.


It can all seem so overwhelming when you are busy writing music, playing various venues AND marketing your music. I know how hard it can be to focus on so many things at the same time. I’ll make it very easy. I only want you to focus on one thing. Just focus on what is that one thing you do in your day to day musical career that makes you super happy. Put another way, what is that one thing you do so easily when you wake up each day that you don’t even think about it and do with ease, but others may not be able to do with such ease? Put a third way, why did you get into the music business?
Take some time and think about the questions above. Sit and write your answers while reflecting back and looking to the future. Great brands are intentional and deliberate. If you need more support, contact me. I’m here to support you. Otherwise, download the Adapt and Adopt Guide here.

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