Katy Goshtasbi

Stand Your Ground: 3 Ways to Establish Boundaries in the Workplace

My life is awfully “hard” and complicated when I don’t set good boundaries with my family and friends. What happens…

6 years ago

Why Branding in the Music Industry Isn’t Just Making Music

Most artists are in the “business” because they love to make music. This makes complete sense to me. However, most…

6 years ago

The Missed Facts About Rebranding A Company & How to Avoid A Pitfall

Over the years I’ve noticed that most businesses and companies discuss rebranding their businesses in a very particular way that…

6 years ago

3 Ways Respect in the Workplace Benefits More Than Just the Staff

Recently someone on one of the boards I run said to me that they were sorry they had failed as…

6 years ago

Building Self-Confidence to Overcome More Than Just Stage Fright

Being an immigrant who gotten beaten up as a kid for being different doesn’t do much to inspire my self-confidence.…

6 years ago

Transforming Your Brand: Setting Goals for Your Business

I’ve been through many changes in my life. I changed homelands, changed jobs, changed cities in which I lived several…

6 years ago

The Do’s & Don’ts of Networking in the Music Industry

When I lived and practiced law in Washington, DC, I hardly knew what the word, “networking” even meant. Looking back…

6 years ago

Expanding Your Brand: Creating a Self-Development Plan to Grow

I remember when I was a junior lawyer starting out in my career. I would often find myself excited at…

6 years ago

Aligning Your Staff For Success With A Professional Development Plan

In business, I’ve found that employers are much quicker to give negative feedback to their employees and point out what…

6 years ago

Katy G TV – Episode 12 (Direct vs. Brash)

How brash are you? What’s the difference between being direct and brash? How well does it allow you to communicate…

6 years ago

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