Categories: For Musicians

Personal Branding Case Study: Adam Lambert

I recently attended a concert by Adam Lambert. For those of you who need a refresher, Adam is the San Diego native who came in second place on American Idol, Season 8.  Some would say looking back he really should have won and has had a more impactful career than the actual Season 8 winner.

The concert was fantastic- fast, fun, funny with a quality vocal performance by Adam and band.  No one could possibly have been disappointed by the hometown boy who kindly displayed his loyalty and appreciation to San Diego.

Putting on my personal branding expert hat, I was baffled as I looked around the fan base during the concert.  After the Michael Buble’ concert a few years ago, I never thought I could be more baffled.  However, I was.

Adam’s audience was loud, wild and ….very varied. So varied that my husband even noticed and commented.   All of this made me think what kind of personal brand appeal would attract this audience and why? At first I thought it may have something to do with the venue being the fairgrounds. I quickly dismissed that notion.

Besides the expected young, gay men and heterosexual women in their early twenties, let me give you a sampling:

–  Behind us sat three, thirteen year old girls who were clearly unaware of Adam’s sexual orientation.  Not only did they scream (constantly and at the top of their lungs.  Translation: deafening) “I love you, Adam”, but at some point when he took off his jacket, they screamed, “take it all off!”  We chuckled.

-The row in front of us had five fans who were easily between the ages fifty-five to sixty-five.  They were dancing, taking pictures and even pulled up Adam’s Facebook page on their phones during the concert.  One of them even had a backpack with the name of a monastery on it….

– Next to us on one side sat a mother (forty-five years and above) and daughter (nineteen).  They claimed they LOVED LOVED LOVED Adam and this was the second (of many more) time they had seen him in concert.  I think the mother loved him more than her daughter did.

-On the other side of us was an African-American man with dreadlocks, a happy toothless smile, and cowboy boots.  He was there with his blond hair, blue-eyed wife.  Both were in their early sixties, I would guess.

So how is it possible that Adam Lambert has this varied of a personal brand appeal?  Leaves the rest of us envious and wanting to do the same with our personal and business brands, I would say.

Well, I would venture it has something to do with the playlist.  Not only did he sing all his popular songs, but he sang (and brought in very real, touching commentary about) songs from Tears for Fears, Hendrix, Bob Marley, and Queen.  With this varied and exciting playlist, it is easy to see how he captured such a varied audience.

However, the main reason I think he has such a great personal brand is because of his presence on stage.  Adam’s dialogue with his audience coupled with his nonverbal communication seemed genuine, thankful, gracious (he tried his hand at comedy and readily admitted he was not a comedian), humble, and get ready for it- JOYFUL!  And let’s not forget the semi-regular streaker/fan he has.  Yes, she was back.  He even handled her with grace, asking the cops not to arrest her.

So next time you go to a concert, look at the singer and see what about his/her personal brand works for you and what doesn’t. How can you adapt your personal brand based on what you saw and felt?



Katy Goshtasbi

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  • it is the MAN far and above that amazing voice and stage presence. He defends his fans all the time, communicates with us on Twitter [yes it is REALLY him],. Every interviewer and person who has worked with him for the first time all say the same thing "That Adam Lambert is the nicest guy I have ever met, he's a really great guy" or something to that effect. This is why his fandom is so diverse, add to that drop-dead gorgeous and how can you not love him?

    • Great points, Camille. I totally agree. In the personal branding world, I always say that people buy our uniqueness before they ever buy our product, service, or voice- in this case. I'd love to get on Adam's team- I've got some great new ideas to increase his reach and brand appeal even more!

    • You're welcome. Thanks for reading it and thanks for commenting. What did you like best?

  • Hello Katy,
    Interesting post on Adam Lambert! I bet some of the people around you were Glamberts - serious fans who have followed him since AI. Some of Adam's most endearing characteristics are his honesty and forthrightness. And, yes, his joyfulness. His mother once said when he was a kid he was like sunshine. Fans love him because he is an amazing human being, he is funny, intelligent, articulate, genuine, never disrespectful, and above all has one of the greatest voices outside of opera in the world. Plus he has been saddled by the media with being a gay icon - not something he ever wanted to be - and has most graciously taken up the challenge. Unfortunately, that cause has also created a bit of a barrier for him - American radio pretty much ignores him, and there has been word that one or more of the major radio corporations has quietly banned his music. Nonetheless, the rest of the world loves him for his gorgeous voice and because he's a damn fine person!
    If I had to sum up his 'personal brand' in two words , it would be 'smart and gracious'. That's a rarity in the celeb world. I wonder if he has ever thought about his personal brand or if the record company has ever mentioned it. It would be interesting to ask him.
    Oh and you mustn't forget that he is a fabulous dresser!

    • Thanks for the comment. I agree that "smart" and "gracious" are two good personal branding adjectives for him. I'd love to follow up on your question regarding checking in with his record company/him regarding his personal brand. I have some fantastic ideas for him! Let me know if you have any other thoughts on this.

  • Hi Katy, I enjoyed reading your analysis of Adam's 'brand'. It was very interesting. I personally think Adam's broad appeal is less about the music and more about his message. Adam has built his legacy based upon a few simple principles (not so different than things we were all taught in kindergarten) love yourself, love others, don't discriminate, be proud of who you are. Adam appreciates the diversity in his audiences and has often commented about it and while I'm sure he's had words like 'demographics' and 'brand' laid down in front of him behind the boardroom doors I really don't think he cares to consider these things boiled down to some statistics on a chart. Adam's brain just doesn't work that way. I will say his open and happy personality, amazing vocals and fun, upbeat music does have mass appeal. He gives a lot of people hope and there's no age limit on people needing hope. Having recently attended my 6th Adam concert in Orlando with my daughter (it was her 4th) I can attest to the fact that the diversity in audience was thriving there as well. I'm 50 and my daughter is 22. I am the bigger fan but Adam's music is something we both enjoy and is something that my daughter and I can enjoy together :) Quite simply put, Adam brings people together and this is why you saw such a diverse crowd at his show :)

  • very interesting article and I like your thoughts and at first thought you missed the point that he came to be known through TV, a TV show that was a national family show and so reached people of all ages. But actually as a fan of the show I went to a few of the Idol concerts and only Adams year was diverse, VERY diverse. I went to another of his own shows and ditto. He is sheer talent and charisma and yes it draws a lot of people.

    HOWEVER, it also creates a marketing problem for his label I think, he can sing anything so what to focus on? People who are more limited in their abilities seem more easily to "fit" into a box to market, can someone really be all things to all people? I dont know.

    and PS those young girs DO know his orientation I bet, they just dont care, which is great :)

    thanks for the article, glad you enjoyed the show

    • Lisa! You hit the branding/target market nail on the head. In personal branding we teach that if your reach is too broad, you can run into marketing problems. We teach "clarity" and "consistency" in personal brand management. Do you clearly know who you are and can you communicate it consistently to your audience. I have some ideas for Adam in this area. Too much to type. Adam and Adam's people- call me. I want to contribute to the Adam personal brand so your Glamberts enjoy you even more!

      • I have observed ( as so many others have ) that yes, Adam's huge multifaceted talent makes it more difficult to guide him into a box that is easily accepted by a certain group for strategic marketing (especially on radio). AND THANK GOODNESS - I LOVE IT !
        On a personal level I feel that instead of making Adam fit into anything, I hope he changes how the audience consumes...instead of being hammered into a genre or have his edges chipped away to fit what is already defined -I hope he raises the consumer's expectations and kicks the bar UP UP UP and redefines the quality of music and vocals offered as the 'norm'. My hope is that the music industry becomes more interested in creating a market for those who can actually sing... and that society and culture shift to embrace the NEW definition - much like other visionaries (such as Steve Jobs) changed how we consume - Adam has certainly raised my expectations... once Adam nails a song... he owns it and there are way too of those many to mention - but one that comes to mind is Queen's "Who Wants To Live Forever" - OMG there is no other version anymore.

      • The reality of marketing complexity for Adam, is that he is every changing. You aren't going to smoosh him into any clear box of branding Adam outside the fact that he is gorgeous, sweet, has a hell of a voice, is honest and forthright (overtly but sweetly so) and loves fashion. As his fans, we absolutely love knowing that tomorrow he will change - his hair, his music, his mix of genre's, the covers he chooses, the level of sexuality expressed, the clothes he wears, the vibe he is going for (rock, pop, sweet, sexy, clean cut, hard core, etc.) and you just never know what he is going to say! He is absolutely never boring!!! He is hinself joyful and he gives us great joy!!

        • Hi Jana, Great points. In personal branding I teach that everyone needs to be able to emotionally move us to joy or else we don't connect with them and "buy" them/their services. You just explained so well why Adam's personal brand works for you- he exudes joy and gives it to you. Thank you!

    • I'm not a marketing person but I don't understand why Adams diversity is such a problem, I see it as one of his biggest strengths. I can't see why that can't be the thing to capitalize on.
      I do get a bit frustrated at the big emphasis on teenage fans, as if the older fans, particularly older female fans, are worthless commercially. In my experience those teenagers who follow Adam aren't the least bit put off by Adams older fans, and appreciate that we have been there, done that and know what we're talking about.
      And many of us have deep pockets too.

  • HI Puris, first let me say.. I am a 'day one' Adam let me say I am a graphic artist and the concept of 'branding' and Adam as a case study has crossed my mind several times. Mostly because of my observations of the fan instigated (unchoreographed - yet synchronous) momentum I have watched since early 2009.
    I would have to add some challenge to your theory that it is the set list. I believe the set list is practically the last reason you see such a varied crowd at Adam concerts. And, there have been ponderings about the lure of Adam Lambert written from the moment he 'flipped people's switch' on national television.
    I see that Adam's evolution was very organic in the beginning - but he has proved to be a champ at harnessing the positive and turning the negative around - and besides the 'it factor' Adam has inspired so many by openly being himself - a quality (I believe) many admire and aspire to.
    There are thousands of examples of how Adam has managed to bring groups of diverse minded folks together in a joyful experience of music and more.... One example would be the young DJ Liam McEwan (now 17) from New Zealand. He just got voted a Shorty Award. Liam has connected 10s of thousands of Adam fans every Saturday with his FleaFM radio Adam Lambert hour. What an inspiring example of all ages, all over the world listening, tweeting, and interacting at the same time - loving Liam, loving Adam. It's all such a GOOD THING!
    Adam Lambert is a least for those who 'see' it - those who 'get' it - and those who 'feel' it - and one of the most exciting things for a Glambert is when that joy is noticed or shared with someone new. Welcome to the world of Adam.

  • Interesting observations.I saw Adam at the MGM Grand at Foxwoods three years ago and noticed a varied audience there also.I've been to many concerts,but this one was different.,it was electric ,the music was playing people were dancing ,singing and laughing having an absolute blast waiting for Adam to come on.The vibe was something I've never felt at any other concert.As the lights dimmed,the roar of the crowd was deafening,his connection with the audience was immediate,he had us in the palm of his hand in an instant.His stage presence and vocals mesmerized an audience of 4,000 for an hour and a half.There was a guard standing by me ,he said & I quote "in all my years here I've never seen a more exciting show "

  • I enjoyed your thoughts but have to add my perspective, having been on the Adam bandwagon since his Idol audition. First of all, of course, is his talent, but his performance skills and personality are not to be ignored. Never in 4 years has Adam not been gracious, articulate, intelligent, humble, and hilarious. He responds to each interviewer in a way that is appropriate to age and situation, no matter if it a 17 yr old, nervous Japanese girl or a veteran entertainment reporter. Everyone comes away tweeting about his charm and humility. The concert covers are always fun, but watching Adam perform ANYTHiNG is what it's all about. After 12concerts, including San Diego and AT&T, I can say that each show has it's own vibe but every single one is filled with fun, joy, comraderie. What's not to love?

  • Like many "Glamberts" I first became interested in Adam by his remarkable voice and his ability to interpret a song with a new twist and an emotional genuineness. I became a passionate fan when I started to learn about the man. He has a reputation not only of being a great singer, but of being the nicest guy in show business and throughly professional. He greatly appreciates his fans and constantly talks about how wonderful and supportive they are. Yes, they are diverse, and Adam is all about diversity and acceptance. He is gracious with fans from 6 - 86, black/white, gay/straight, male/female, fashion-model gorgeous/quirky/frumpy/small/x-tra large; he makes each one he meets feel special. He shares himself with his fans and the public, talking openly about growing up feeling different, ostracized, and awkward -- something that resonates with many of his fans. He is a role model for finding yourself and embracing your uniqueness with courage and pride while remaining humble and appreciative. Add to that his work with various charities and organizations helping youth, and he is an impressive individual.I don't know how you brand and sell that, but hope that someone figures it out because here is a genuine, talented artist I would be happy and proud for my kids to follow.

  • I think you hit it on the head. I do have to take issue though with one of your points, the one about the 13 year old girls. I'm sure they know Adam is gay. Doesn't matter if he's gay. He oozes sex appeal out of every pore. It surprises me that so many don't "get" that. Adam is sexy. Sexy is sexy!

    • @PattiH I do agree with your comment. I had to chuckle when reading the delightful description of the 13 year old girls....but their being "clearly unaware of Adam’s sexual orientation" is certainly not in evidence by their behavior or comments. Adam's young fans are usually fully aware of his being gay and I have heard those identical words uttered and accompanied by way too loud screams and squeals by many an adult fan who is fully aware indeed. And don't we all when caught up in the moment want Adam to "take it all off" ? lol

      Altho I confess to being a fan of Adam's initially because of his voice and talent, and this will always be uppermost, I still find myself becoming a young teenage girl when watching Adam perform's difficult not to get completely swept up in the moment exactly as the young girls ;)

      • and I have to add to my comment that a big part of my attraction to Adam and my being a devoted fan is also predicated on who he is as a person. As many have said here much better than I can so much of his attraction is due to who he is as a person and his values. I would love for my son to be very much like him......that would make me very happy indeed.. ;)

Published by
Katy Goshtasbi
Tags: adam lambert

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