Corporate Tips/Tricks

Coping With Stress: 3 Tricks to Managing Stress at Work

Hello 2019! While I find the notion of a new year so exciting, I also often find I get extra stressed about it. Will I “perform”? Will I hit my “numbers”? Will it all work out? This is no different than what I hear from clients and their employees who are doing their best to manage stress at work.


It’s often so hard to manage stress at work. After all, the same stress we feel at work is there when we get home to our family, right? If we could figure it out once and for all, then everything would be great.

Can it be that easy? It can, my friends. Here are three tricks to use:

1. Self-awareness- the first thing to do is to notice how stressed you really are at work. Otherwise, how do you know what to fix? For instance, is your stress level impacting your substantive work? Is your stress impacting your relationships at work? I talked all about self-awareness and job success in this post on getting promoted. I know this step can be very difficult, because who wants to look inside, after all. But you are braver than that, so go for it.

2. Seeing it differently- I often say we can’t control how others behave- personally nor at work. So quit trying. That should take the pressure off of you. In fact, if “control” is your thing (who doesn’t have “control” as a challenge?), then perhaps consider taking control of your own perspective and stop focusing on your co-workers and boss’ actions. What do I mean? Well, instead of the looming deadline being a stressor, can you see it from the vantage point of “educational” or your way of “educating and helping others”? Simple, and not easy. I know. Boy, do I know.

3.Do the common sense stuff- educators on stress often point out the need for us to eat well, stay hydrated with water, take frequent breaks, be in nature, stay oxygenated and focused. They are right. If you can build in one or two of these tips a day at work, then you are off to a great start. Studies have shown employee productivity is drastically impacted when employees reduce their stress. So to manage stress at work and be productive, (ie, do more in less time), then perhaps consider: a) take 3 deep breaths before you go into a meeting, b) step outdoors for 2-3 minutes every 3-4 hours c) keep your water bottle full on your desk. Any small change, will make you feel good because you are doing something new.


Not convinced? Please give it a go- if for no other reason than to prove me wrong! It always helps to be able to have these conversations with someone and get support. I’m happy to support you.


Sign up here for a free 15 minute phone assessment and support call with me. I’m always here for you.

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Katy Goshtasbi

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