To safeguard that clients receive the best level of care and insight during their sessions, a comprehensive BTS process with Katy can span several hours often spread over two days, allowing for a deep exploration of the client's challenges and the development of effective strategies for profound, lasting change. By addressing the root causes of their blocks and challenges in a concentrated time frame, clients can experience fast and meaningful improvements in their personal and professional lives.
The BTS process begins with a complete assessment of the client’s state, goals and obstacles that block their ability to achieve their outcomes and be successful. During a BTS Katy works with the client to identify and dismantle limiting beliefs, negative thought patterns, and unresolved emotional issues. Using various NLP techniques, such as timeline utilization and reframing, Katy guides her clients in reprogramming their subconscious mind, facilitating profound and lasting shifts in perception and behavior leading to action and results.